Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Fact is, the true majority either does not care in the long run or, if it is something major enough to cause them to quit, it is not the forums they tell. They can just put their reasoning on the cancil subscription page.

Also, when it comes to why Blizzard, or more accurately, Ion and co do things, it is extremely bias to say “the only reason is x”. This goes both ways, and it is always likely to be for multiple reasons, like they need good PR but also they were planning to do it anyway. On the other hand, the announcement can be done for PR reasons but they could just be announcing things they were doing anyway.

The simple fact is, by saying for accessibility reasons in that video, they are acknowledging their cool new dynamic flying has accessibility issues, and rather than do the logical thing, and say until we can solve those issues 100%, both forms of flying will be there for you to use from the very start, they choose to stubbornly dig in their heels, and try to make people use it in the hopes that players either accept it, or quit.

As for the PR part of my post, let’s look at what happened after the lawsuit, they relented on Covenant restrictions, they made the community council thing, which they now are ignoring quite a bit from what I’ve seen, they don’t need the good PR atm so they are back to their old ways of ignoring players and doing what they want and if you hate it leave.

I honestly hope we see another repeat of SL with mass exodus of players, and they have to swallow their pride again. Maybe this time around Ion will get put back to lead encounter designer as well.


Time will tell but BlizZard is known for their rug pulls.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Sadly I don’t think Ion and Co will ever lock dynamic flying behind Pathfinder, it’s their creation unlike TBC flying. Just look at the patch notes, they removed dynamic flying from Pathfinder for BfA and SL, yet left that requirement for TBC flying. It’s clear they have a disdain for TBC flying.

Actions speak louder than words and they are making it very clear they don’t want TBC flying to exist anymore, but know they can’t outright remove it, so they are going to put as many obstacles to getting it as possible.


Why do they want that?

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What you quoted contradicts your point.
If they wanted to delete tbc flight, why would they continue to remove its restrictions?
They also removed DF pathfinder to. So i don’t understand why you quoted a blue saying they removed pathfinder from older xpacs… then say they are trying to get rid of tbc flight.

?? The first half of Dragonflight we only had Dragonriding.

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More than half. A full year of just dragonriding lol.

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I am not getting a message that Blizzard wants tbc flight to end, but more they want skyriding to shine.


Read again, they removed the requirements for dynamic flying, not TBC flying, so yes, they are still showing their disdain for TBC flying, if they had removed the requirements for both you would have a point, but they didn’t.


I’m not sure I would say that removing the nearly year-long time gate waiting for patch x.2 to allow for the completion of pathfinder as “digging in their heels”.

Seems like allowing the unlock to be available day 1 of launch would be the exact opposite of digging in their heels.

Digging in their heels would be to keep the ~year long timegate, no?


… perhaps you should read what you quoted. It literally says skyriding. Which is different from dynamic riding.

No, they are the same. Old flight is steady flight and tbc flight.


Skyriding (f.k.a. Dragonriding) is the same thing as Dynamic Flight. Skyriding is just the current marketing term.


I agree, and for many player its nauseating & physically painful to use Sky-riding. Blizzard apparently could give a rats furry crack what players need - ergo, another Pathfinder barrier for their “accessibility” form of flying (Stead Flight).


They need to pick a name already lol


Just like you and others give a rat’s furry crack about things Blizzard have done if it is not what YOU want.

Do I think steady should be avalable from the start for those with issues with DR? Yes, but I see being able to earn it via ground as a good enough concession if the questing phase is indeed ground mount friendly.

That’s all good - go ahead and keep Pathfinder for thoes who enjoy the task but DO NOT use Pathfinder as a requirement to unlock Steady Flight!

Blizzard is being hypocritical by bragging how Steady Flight is an “Accessibility” feature, then they turn around and make people who NEED that “accessibility feature” to enjoy the game in which they PAY A SUBSCRIPTION.


That’s fair lol


How many times must it be said: Blizzard did not say it was an accessibility feature but that it was used for Accessibility reasons

To sum it up:

  1. used for accessibility reasons=feature that was put in for any reason except accessibility but is now used for such
  2. accessibility feature=the reason it was put in to begin with was for accessibility

Back in TBC flight was more or less required for end game, same with Wrath, Cata had flight be more or ness required for the leveling process, MoP put it back to being required for end game content. When they tried to remove it for WoD, they had designed Draenor around not needing flight, so they likely saw it as more a convenience. Can anyone see an issue with having to earn convenience?

It really can just come down to how the world is designed, if flight is needed for end game, it can be locked for the leveling process, if it is needed for the leveling process, then all forms should be unlocked at the get go NO pathfinder, if, and this seems to be the case for TWW, flight can provide a bonus or convenience but it is without, then either both forms can be available at start, locked at start, or one available and one locked.

Also, one thing to keep in mind, the words we use make up just 7% of what we say, do we really want to judge/attack others on such a low %?