Locking players in unranked content is the most miserable experience i ever had in my life

I’ll never step on unranked pvp content ever again.
Next exp i’ll wait 2 months before pay my sub.

Theres absolutely no reason to lock pvp season 1 for that long.


I envy you

I agree, they should never take away rated PVP

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i can’t play with my friend because crossfaction BGS are only allowed in ranked, this is crazy, waste of time paying for nothing


Level up a toon on their faction. Takes a few hours. When no ranked, jump on the friend toon and pew pew it up. Then when ranked comes back, jump back.

Edit: I think Kennie has maybe 400 warriors or something and others have mentioned they do this too (to run with friends/help/etc).

Edit edit: 400 may be a slight exaggeration, but u get the idea!


i agree. next time they do this ill just unsub. i absolutely hate rando bgs and even worse i hate the players who play rando bgs lol . theres a level of player below casual and yes they are found in rando bgs . its crazy cause i thought i was bad at pvp then i spammed rando bgs for a month and it changed my mind


you mean healers healing 80M in your team while enemy priest heals 350M through spammable 50% health shields?

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Only the best of the best, of the best…of the best is good enough…of the best.

There’s no reason to play right now if you’re not having fun

I won’t be home and playing until the third week of the season and I’m not worried at all

Conq bar fills up the more time you miss there’s nothing that has me worried when I can play I’ll grind out my conq cap, ask my friends what little weekly chore I got to knock out and be caught up in a flash.

Or I can really chill and do none of that until the last like month and just ride the inflation when 2400 feels more like 1900.

So why are you spamming bgs if you’re not having fun :rofl:

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Amatox is correct.

It’s a video game and so far from anything really important as to be laughable. If you are not having fun…go do something else. Come back when it loks like you will have fun…in the video game.

Edit: …of the best…

can i frozen my sub until i play?

Nope it still ticks.

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Always unsub between prior expansion S4 and new expansion S1.

Lesson definitely learned.

No, you can’t. Just need to refrain from buying game time during lulls.

To be 100% honest if you’re only enjoying literally one aspect of the game you should stop all together and go find something more enjoyable with your time.

The only part of the game you like is arena?

Shut up, there shouldn’t have been 40 days of no rated content that’s it end of story these stupid month long pre patches need to never happen again

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It’s a bit long.

I just want to try some delves and M+ and PvP if I have time. Think they should have opened this last thursday at the latest, Tuesday would have been fine.

Yah 40+ days is a long time. At first his post seemed to be about not playing with his friend because of xfaction, and there is an easy solution to that, but maybe it is also because at a certain level of skill smashing newbs gets old. Hope the OP gets to a place they have fun again.

the 2 weeks until season start after an expac launch is known boring if you’re a rated pvp only enjoyer