So I took a fresh character to Shadowlands (no SL Timewalking) and could not start Threads of Fate. Here was my process:
- Got the intro quest from Mograine
- Skipped the Maw portion
- Arrived in Oribos
At this point everything froze, turned black/white, and (I believe) Fatescribe Roh-Tahl approached me while my character was stunned. I could speak with them, but they had no dialog option to progress the scene. I waited around for a bit but Oribos remained frozen, my character stunned, and the NPC who froze me (Roh-Tahl or another, I do not recall) uninterested in carrying on.
I ended up logging out then back in to try and restart the process and though I did log back in to Oribos, I now don’t appear to have the option to do the Threads of Fate quest. In order to choose a Covenent on this character (which I was hoping to do for appearance/transmog purposes), it seems I have to do the entire opening Shadowlands questline, sans the initial Maw section I skipped.
Is this by design? Or did a bug happen when I first arrived in Oribos and the game stopped progressing? I’m seeing conflicting articles and forum posts about the current status of Threads of Fate so I was hoping to get a more direct, up-to-date response on this.
Yes, I’ve seen this article. I’ve spoken to players who completed Threads of Fate as recently as this week. Is this due to my character being rolled after Dragonflight? Will Threads of Fate or an iteration of it be re-introduced in the future? I’m seeking clarity outside the current documentation right now.
Threads was replaced with Chromie time in Dragonflight, but those characters that started it before DF could finish.
Don’t know.
Thank you. My goal was to choose a specific Covenant on this character for appearance/transmog purposes (specifically, I wanted Soul Shapes) then continue leveling them though TWW content. They’re currently 70. To get a Covenent now, is my only choice to level them through Shadowlands introductory content again?
Just trying to understand the time commitment I should be blocking out for some fun fashion choices and a Soul Shape.
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Had the exact same issue happen on a few characters of mine today. fml lol
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I’m having the exact issues, but on a max leveled character I made during TWW. No idea what to do, would love some advice
The night before the newest patch I had three level 80 characters who had never done Shadowlands content go through threads of fate just fine. Talk to death knights, skip to oribos, threads of fate.
I took a new level 70 yesterday and did the same process. Time freezes and the guy comes to give me the threads of fate choice, but he has no available dialogue options. I had to relog. This clearly is broken as of this patch and the idea of having to replay through the shadowlands campaign on every new character is unacceptable.
I had the same experience as Kataldin. I submitted a bug report but after reading the Blizz article I wonder if they’re going to fix it. If not I’ll simply play through the SL campaign on my alts & spend even less time on TWW, anniversary event, timewalking, etc. Don’t you just love it when they try to force you to play the game their way?
So this is… working as intended? Made a bunch of new fresh alts during remix and now will be locked out of doing SL raids with them unless we sit through the entire zone-by-zone quest campaign? They cannot be serious.
Thanks for chiming in and keeping the thread alive, guys. Hoping we can get some sort of Blizzard confirmation on this, or at the very least call attention to it. I really hope this is not working as intended.
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THIS IS NOT WORKING AS INTENDED. Before .5, I could use the skip and after the update on Oct 22, he glitches out and does the intended “Frozen in Place” but does not offer the skip. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED FOR ALTS!!!
This is INCORRECT!!! Threads of Fate was not removed! It is bugged after the most recent patch.
Thanks for keeping the thread and dream alive, Julyste. I’ve paused putting my alt through Shadowlands content because I just don’t have it in me to re-do the entirety of the opening quests just for a Soul Shape and a few Covenant transmogs. It sucks because I had a really neat roleplay/story idea connected to this character but I suppose that will have to wait now.
Blizzard, may we have clarification that this is working as intended? Why does Threads of Fate start but then freeze the game and make it unplayable?
They fixed and re-broke it. Now when you skip the intro at max level you appear in Oribos but don’t get frozen and Fatescribe Roh-Tahl is just completely missing. The Shadowlands story quest appears in the quest log with no quests, just the title. Can’t progress at all.
That’s a bummer. It seems then that the best way forward is to do the entire introductory quests for Shadowlands just to get into Covenants and farm cosmetics on alts. Why would this be an advantageous change for outdated content?
Unfortunately, as of patch 11.0.5 the “I have heard this tale before. …” option to skip the intro or actually playing through the intro quests both seem to have the same results when trying to open up Shadowlands content. The long and the short of it is that, as of The War Within, “Threads of Fate” is gone, and so is the “Stranger in an Even Stranger Land” quest. There is now a support article which claims that the issue is currently planned to be fixed with Patch 11.0.7. On Wowhead there is a countdown estimating that Patch 11.0.7 will release on December 17, 2024. World of Warcraft has been a great way for me to spend my leisure time, so I will just have to accept that I have characters who can’t access Shadowlands content for the time being.
So, in Patch 11.0.7 if it truly is fixed, is there not going to be a skip and are we going to have to do the entirety of the whole Shadowlands campaign? I was just wanting to get alts to Sanctum of Domination so I could farm for mounts and transmogs 
This is still not fixed…
Blizzard suck
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This is still bugged. I opened a support ticket but they’re just giving me some automated response to check wowhead or look at a blue post. I tried to use the threads of fate skip as of today and got sent to oribos and everything was just gone. No fatescribe choking me until I re log no campaign quests and no other quests as well (lvl70 alt btw) and no chromic time either. I just wanted to do some tedious mount/mog farm on armour types i currently don’t play but I guess that’s not happening since I can’t even do the campaign to begin with. Even if I could I’m not wasting 10-12h of my time on the SL campaign AGAIN after I’ve already finished it on my main and all the covenants. Also I was able to us threads of fate 4 times post TWW launch but the GMs that respond to my tickets keep telling me that it was removed in dragonflight? I feel like I just wasted so many hours leveling an alt just to have a door be slammed in my face. I’m tempted to buy a lvl boost and try it again but then I’d just be flushing cash money down the toilet at that point