Lock Threads after inactivity

No on the US forum hold on let me find it.

The ability to set a thread close timer is built into the forums by the software maker Discourse. All the Blizzard forums use exactly the same software with the same setting options*.

The Website team can change things like thresholds for trust levels, thread locking behavior, etc. They handle it differently on the different game forums based on what they are asked to do by the game teams.

*Note, while WoW is the same software, it has an additional modification to treat char-server as ā€œforum accountsā€ for trust level, post history, likes/flags, etc.

Personal opinion, yes they should be locking GD threads after a set point of time to prevent necros. If something has not been discussed in 2-3 months, then it is time to just lock it. Exceptions for some of the Pinned blue threads and Guide threads that donā€™t need posts except for updates, or rare questions. That whole BK necro tantrum could have been avoided the other night. Same with posting limits on creation of new threads within X amount of time.


It seems after checking the EU randomly rn I was slightly off

Itā€™s one month(?)

I could have swore it was 2 though ā€¦ but it makes no real difference the core of it is as you said they have the ability on the forum to do that

Although interesting ^^

Fuzz linked a thread where it looks like they did so after 2 months and on the US forums which I didnā€™t know happened at all

Would stop the necroing.


Yep and would incentivize new threads with newer discussions too.

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Iā€™d be happy if they were locked automatically after a certain time period or post count, with exceptions made at a moderatorā€™s discretion. Unfortunately I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough moderators to do this anymore.


perhaps users of the forum should mass necro threads to maybe force blizzardā€™s hand.

I think someone has been doing that for weeks and it hasnā€™t worked yet.

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To be fair it happens a lot as is and Blizz hasnā€™t implemented this

But I wouldnā€™t wanna promote that either just seems like a convo worth having that may spark change but who knows :confused:

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Lol that one dude that necroed all the Bobby threads.

Man that was wild.



I screen shotted some of that XD


What is some like necromancy ?

see idk what happened there tbh

but i saw some other thread get necrod from 2020 last night and i was like tbh this happens all the time on and off for years why hasnā€™t blizzard just implemented what the eu forums has w a lock after inactivity

anyways that was what prompted this thread xD

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Me too. :grin:

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Whatā€™s weird is other subforums of the US forums have this feature enabled. But for some reason they refuse to enable it for GD

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Yeah that part I didnā€™t know about!

I was shocked when Fuzz linked a US forum post w that having had happened but I guess itā€™s just not on GD (?) which is weird

But legitimately I thought it was only a EU thing but in any case all the more reason / case to be made for them to do so on GD

I would agree with this, someone weeks ago necrod a thread about MoP it was 4 or more years later.

Yeah thereā€™s really no reason a thread made months ago needs to be bumped if the convo is dead

let alone from years ago


They must never lock our 2010 time capsule!

Itā€™s like a family heirloom now.