Lock threads after 30 days inactivity like the EU WoW forums

So on the EU forums if a thread isn’t responded to for 30 days it can no longer accept replies. Why do we not have that around here?

Seeing a 5 year old thread get drudged up is quite jarring. Some folks google stuff and I’m sure google references them to some really old threads.


i know nerco is against rule here but its interesting to see what ppl are looking for and maybe someone has a response to it. most of the time the necros aren’t harmful it’s ppl looking for help or just chatting n misread the date


Even the tech support subforum here as well as some others have the auto-thread-locking after the last reply. It’d be nice to have it here across all of the forums on the North American forums.

Also, then I can retire this (well, there’s like 5 of them, so these) GIF(s):


Oh true most of the time but sometimes it can be… well… jarring.

Like the time a thread was necroed for a secret of Azeroth thing from 5 years ago.


But but… if you do that how am I to beat the record for oldest necro? :pleading_face: do you not want me to succeed, fuzz??

To be honest, I’m on the fence. I get what you’re asking and it makes sense but, at the same time, as long as the information is still relevant, I feel like it should be okay.

A lot of people don’t like making new threads for problems when they find a thread already exists. Especially if the OP has a problem and someone responds asking if they ever found a solution.

Either way, I don’t mind.

I do enjoy you bapping people for necroing, though c:


I don’t understand the hate for necroing threads. If the thread is relevant to what someone wants to discuss, why make a new thread when it’s already there.


Because sometimes the topic can be extremely old and or not relevant currently.


Yeah, I report the person who necros a thread for trolling.

To clarify, i report them when they’re very obviously just doing it to mess with people. Some people do it sincerely responding to a topic, and i assume just didn’t realise how old it is. Or think it’s just good etiquette to not make a new thread if one already exists.


So? Opinions change over time, and it’s interesting to see how people can change. Plus, like I said, if it’s relevant to what someone wants to discuss, when why is it a problem?

If someone necro’s a thread just to necro it, then yes, bad, hit them with a newspaper.


Readies the newspaper :newspaper_roll:


Perhaps with thread necroing:
1.) a thread with no activity should be locked after 30 days. Most forums do this already.
2.) if you want to reference an old post, perhaps just create a new thread and link back to the original(s) you’re referencing. That keeps the discussion fresh while still being linked to what others brought up before if people wish to reference back to it. That may result in a different discussion the second (or third+) time if the original posts aren’t there to clog up the discussion. A long thread also may deter some from posting or even bothering to read the entire thing before posting themselves only to repeat what others said before potentially numerous times. Who wants to read a 100+ post thread?

Replying to a several years old post is fine and dandy, but those not paying attention to dates may try to argue with a player who posted something that may have actually been true at the time but no longer is. They may also be trying to argue with someone who quit a long time ago. Others just do it to troll which is also unnecessary. I’ve been on forums that banned you for necro posting.


This is one topic that always make my eyes roll.
Who cares how old a thread is if the topic itself is still relevant. lol

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

muting this thread. I dont see any point in participating futher.

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Thirty days or sixy day locks would be nice.

If someone wants to bring up a topic again that hasn’t been mentioned in a while, I feel like that person should make a new thread.

If it gains traction, that’s good, if not, I guess try again in a few days?


That’s basically how it is in the EU forums.

Ok bye then.


Yes please.

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Jarring: having a harshly unpleasant or disturbing effect on one’s nerves, feelings, thoughts, etc.

How does bumping an old thread cause this emotion? Stop taking a video game forum that serious.

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The internet is such a blessing, every time I’m interacting with somebody, they’re from the past. When you read this, it will be probably a minute or so after I typed it up and a few milliseconds (at least) after I hit the submit button. It also probably took some seconds for them to go from letter blobs to eyeball light reflections to brain juice.

I’m just hoping people from 2200 don’t read this and fall in love. Sorry babes I’m super dead by then


Not with cloning! You will be alive and well. :wink:


I know what the definition of jarring is. You know that “etc” part?

Oh I’m sorry I made a suggestion that’s just like how the EU forums are. Ya’ll come out of the wood work don’t ya?