Lock threads after 30 days inactivity like the EU WoW forums

You know how some people like their steak extra well done? That’s how I’m going to order my cremation! :heart_on_fire:


Also sorry Fuzzbutt I am actually an extreme necromancer and the reason is I want to remind them how long they have been ignoring my request. It does nothing and they probably don’t even read these forums but I get the “old gnome shouts at cloud” rush out of it

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Just anyone that’s about forum anything but I digress.

Onto the ignore ya go.

Ug your profile is hidden ><


No, please don’t! I beg of you! :rofl:

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While I will never understand why people get worked up over necros, I do agree that if Blizzard doesn’t like it, then they should make it so you can’t do it.

It’s such an odd concept to action someone for something that you intentionally allow.


That’s another reason why I suggested what I did. It does seam rather odd to do something like that.

It’s an honest mistake that can happen especially with google.


There is little to no reason (read: there is no reason) to be like this to anyone posting a suggestion here. If you disagree, state why you disagree with the idea. No need to go after the person instead.


Thirty days seems a bit short… like how California has a week squatting law of ownership. You can go on vacation and when you get back have someone own your house instead of you just cause they lived there a week. Maybe a year? I mean alot changes in a year and a thread would really need to be necroed if it was still relevant after that long.

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Hense why they are out of sight out of mind now.

But back onto the topic, even if it isn’t 30 days 60 days would suffice too.

I mean that’s fair maybe instead of the 30 it be 45 or 60. I just saw where the EU forums do that and thought it would be a great addition over here to keep it halfway even you know?

It’s perplexing how one forum does have something and the other doesn’t yet they are the same forum just different region.


" No, squatting is not legal in California, regardless of the duration . Occupying a property without the owner’s consent is considered trespassing. California law does not provide squatters with legal rights to a property simply based on a short-term occupation like 30 days."


Ya I’ll be fair, I know nothing about any laws over in California.


Necros are more problematic because often the discussion and information is relevant only to the time the discussion took place hence why threads should automatically be closed at whatever appropriate date. 30 days is fine as a baseline and extensions could always be given for threads if actual paid moderators deem it appropriate.

People can (and will/do) make new threads (re)hashing the same topics and many will still waste internet bit space with their L takes, but at least it has the opportunity for new arguments and viewpoints that may now exist because the situation is now different for whatever reason.


I suppose a topic pertaining to what you said is prepatch / PTR vs live. A person could mistake an old prepatch / PTR thread as current from google and go “well this isn’t useful!”

Then it gets into a giant debate. I have seen something similar happen.


I think part of the problem is simply that because of how the rules are setup: 1. Makign multiple duplicates of the same thread, even if an old one, can be considered spam and 2. Because no real parameters are given on the necro rule… rezzing a thread is also considered actionable.

So which if either do you do?

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Hm that’s fair and I think if it were outlined better if they added that cap like “if the thread is over than 30 days it will be locked and a new thread can be created” or something.

That is an interesting point.

Could possibly have a clarification in the forum ruleset too.


The little demon in me wishes that were true, the chaos would be so delicious!!


Anything that has the state of the game as the (or at least a significant portion) discussion point is what I am talking about and it is largely what I am thinking and referring to. Class/spec balance, patch/season content tuning, game features, events, etc.

Also I highly doubt accidental offenders are getting punished and even if so, it’s probably the 24-72 hour slap on the wrist. I don’t report anyone but if I were, it would be the rage baiters and potentially even the quasi dupe posters who think their room temp IQ take that easily could’ve been a reply in an ongoing thread deserved it’s own instead.


I just bap em with a newspaper. :newspaper_roll:

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Agreed. The EU forums does this and it works perfectly.

If a thread is no longer getting any replies after 30 days, there is nothing left to discuss. If there is news concerning an old topic, it’s preferable to just make a new topic so that you don’t have to waste time looking at old posts.


honestly, there is no reason for this.

if a thread is relevant enough for someone to find it via a google search on a topic they need more information for, let them discuss that thread.

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