Lock & Hunter returning players LF 2 night AOTC GUILD

We are both raid experienced one of us having played since vanilla the other since WOTLK. We are looking for an active mature guild that is relaxed but can be serious when needed. I also can tank or offtank if needed with a demon hunter. We are open anytime during the week and 1 day on the weekend from 7 pm to midnight eastern. Please send a message on here or add me on discord my username is rezerf.

Seems like a great fit. I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing. It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN. Please feel free to reach out or check out my post!

([NA]Aotc Andys one day a week raiding guild Sun 7-10PM MTN - #3 by Bingusbonkus-illidan))))

We are doing 2 days a week Tuesday/Wednesday 9-11pm EST