Local costco cleaned out today,

What general area are you in?

So you think any video that aligns with your beliefs and tells you what you want to hear is factual?

Most of the riots are in a controlled, relatively small business area. It’s not residential. Portland is still functioning as normal outside of these areas. I would know, we do business with a large company based in Portland regularly.

Showing intent to use them is psychopathic.


That’s the way to go.

Preparedness is a must and ignorant people confuse it with hoarding. Having your pantry empty and then going to the grocery store is poor planning and why people panic.
Also… people that literally hit the grocery store daily to get what they will cook that evening are morons. The grocery store is not your pantry…

I wish our educational system taught a class called Adult Life. :frowning:

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Things wouldn’t be as scary if the law was able to do their jobs. Citizens may have to rise up since the mayors and governors won’t do it.


You say no politics but let’s be real, the simple reason that the stores are getting emptied is because they know like I said that if Biden gets elected next week, all of America is going to go into tight quarantine and lockdown, so people are grabbing what they can so there is no food shortage.

There is nothing controlled about people destroying businesses and rioting.

And again. I sure hope that if it would happen in my area, that they avoid my home. My family will be protected.


People like you are the reason we are in the state we are in now.

I wont be back to this thread to read your mind numbing reply as to why you refuse to wear one. There are stories of your kind all over the media. "So and So refuses to wear a mask and says Corona isn’t real, (2 weeks later so and so is dead from Corona) It’s really not that hard to do the right thing but I get it, your rights, boowhooo. Pat yourself on the back for being a real hero bud.


You know he won’t have the power to do anything until January, right?


It’s the second coming of la rona!

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Rise up like the terrorists in Michigan?

It’s not spreading wildly and out of control. It’s a riot, they’re criminals, but it’s way overblown by the media.

But will it happen in your area? Is there even a chance? All of this is based on baseless speculation.

I bet they also bought into, “Biden’s America” even though Trump is the one in control during this.


The Walmart I work at pulled ammo today. It’s supposedly because of fear that the upcoming election might trigger a bunch of riots.

Big thumbs up from Canada over here. Edibles are the best, I don’t think I’ll ever drink again tbh.

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We’ll never know. Better safe than sorry. Especially in a violent situation such as this.


Just don’t forget to buy your guns alongside your toilet paper, I say be armed and prepare to defend yourself against the tyranny of a socialist/communist government that’s my opinion.

Sorry if that sounds extreme.

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It’s amazing how well that works on people, isn’t it?

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Honestly, were I in your position, I’d be more wanting to see the cause of it addressed rather than go ignored. Otherwise it might one day happen elsewhere too.

Welcome to a world of mass hysteria completely manufactured by a malevolent media telling people to be afraid of a virus that has a less than 1% mortality rate in healthy individuals.


Ooo that’ll be fun to watch on youtube.
Today in the news a local deputy tried to tell uncle Jeb he couldn’t go to the pub. Funeral services will be held next Friday and if you’d like to send in donations the address is at the bottom of the screen

Hm. Waiting for announcement that trump has just watched “the purge” for the first time, thinks it’s a good idea, adds it to re-election campaign, landslide victory.

Would anyone be surprised?