Local costco cleaned out today,

Its a good thing I don’t use twitter, it is a cesspool to begin with. Censorship comes for us all eventually.

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I stocked on milk and stuff
I’m prepared for next level nuttery

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I honestly don’t know why you would be flagged for that. You weren’t the one talking about having copious amounts of ammunition and intent to use it.

If you want a cesspool, look no further. We’re in one.

Hey wait, you just combined two different movie universes into one… that’s not allowed.

Last thing I am going to say about this.

Propaganda can be whatever as long as it is disseminated by one political party over another. Subjective at best.

And it was unintentional, believe it or not. Pirates of the caribbean is one I think, what’s the other?

Propaganda is incredibly dangerous as it’s been shown to be extremely effective at convincing a lot of people who haven’t been taught critical thinking by a continually devalued education system.

As evidenced by the MAGA base. Those crying about Hunter Biden’s nepotism while ignoring the entire Trump family.


Because he has a storage of ammo and guns? Please.

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I fully admit I forgot the quote didn’t actually mention cesspool, but I figure, “wretched hive of scum and villainy” is about the same thing.

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With intent to use them, yes.

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theres no propaganda there’s facts and those videos make great cases for voter fraud.


Watching from another country, I sometimes wonder if the US has completely left the reality I live in.


If people were rioting in my city breaking in my home trying to loot my stuff, yea I’d be protecting my property and family as well.

If you wanna try and reason with those rioting animals go ahead. Your house will be ash before you know it because those rioters give 0 clicks about you.


Well…guns are meant to be used. They are tools. Anyone with half a brain could realize he was saying he was glad to have that stockpile in case riots or danger come to him or his family.


Nah, every country has it’s issues from time to time.

Some of us living here wonder that, too.

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I hope I never never never have to use mine, except when I’m hunting. Then it’s “game” on. :laughing:


Same my friend. Same.

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In the past I usually hit the grocery store every 10-14 days. Unfortunately my pattern always fell in synch with hurricanes or ice storms where I was out and had to compete with the milk, bread and eggs rush. As soon as the first case popped up I played it safe and started hitting the store 2x a week, buying a bit extra than normal and placed a few strategic Amazon orders. I was in good shape when defcon-one hit.

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