Local costco cleaned out today,


Went to MY local Costco today and same. It was packed, couldn’t get near anything.

But on top of the Covid-19 spikes there are people doing election day feasts, and Halloween events.


I think most of the people threatening violence are just trying to talk a big game.

Those right wing militia guys recruiting and training for insurrection probably aren’t going to actually do anything. But it never hurts to be careful.

Voter suppression? HA!!! Making sure you are who you say you are when you vote is not “voter suppression”.

Heck, my good friend Bo received a California Election Ballot he didn’t request because he NEVER lived in California and he’s my cat. OK, I’m kidding about that, but it’s happening.


Wife said that lines were increasing again at the Costco that she works at. However, they have plenty of everything in stock. If it gets bad, we’ll just do the employee shopping nights like we did last spring.



I really hope so. We’ve seen what domestic terrori- sorry, “militia groups” have been getting up to lately. And while I think most of them wouldn’t go through with it, having that much ammunition and freely posting online about your intent is dangerous.

It’s also not just the potential domestic threats, though. It’s also potentially the police. Just look at what happened to the criminal who murdered the Trump supporter.

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mmmmm Mc D’s


Creating fake ballot drop boxes (and after being caught refusing to stop), closing voting places in predominantly PoC areas, stacking the SC and trying to reject any and all ballots that arrive after the election night while also actively tampering with the postal service, and also refusing to tell your most extremist base to stand down is… not voter suppression?

If voting by mail is dangerous, why do the Trumps do it?


I take it you are adding ANTIFA to that group seeing as they have already rioted, burned down structures and hurt or maimed police officers.


Still looking full over here , at worst ima eat flour mixed with water , got like 50kg of it !

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It sucks that our country treats it like a debatable issue. You have half our government saying “Nah, it’s not a big deal.” And the other half saying it is.

So the people just argue back and forth on if its a big deal or not. And the people trying to get everyone to calm down and follow basic guidelines get drowned out.

I’m genuinely scared of what happens when we face the next global crisis, one even deadlier, I don’t think our country can survive being this divided on literally everything.


That’s an absentee ballot. Which is something you have to request.

What is in dispute is blanket balloting. When they just send out ballots to anyone that is registered to vote.


Uhm… yes? If they’re committing acts of terrorism, they’re terrorists - I’m not going to try and label them something else like the right is with that obvious terrorist group.

But any, “whataboutism” isn’t going to change the fact that both sides have extremist issues and only one side refuses to call them as such.

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The world watching the US right now like the soap opera it is.



If you dry that stuff out first, it would be like eating a paper mache chip.

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Do be careful though, the slugs dissolving the US will be the first to jump ship to another country.


Ah, I see your confusion. If - and only if - a ballot is sent (in only like 5 states) where vote by mail is used extensively, it can only be validly counted if it’s the actual person on it. 16 states (or something like that) only allow absentee ballots as a form of mail in voting.

I get that you’ve been told vote by mail is fraudulent and dangerous, but it’s really not. The qualified experts have done plenty of research and it’s so incredibly rare that it’s not even worth mentioning.

Given the GOP’s hard stance against it (against the opinions of experts, a common trait with them), many voters have to risk it and stand in 6+ hour long lines to be able to vote.

That is voter suppression.


Erection ? Something crazy going on ?


I’m more concerned on what happens if Trump doesn’t submit to a peaceful transfer of power in event he does lose.

Trump doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who takes a loss quietly.

Let’s be honest, the craziest stories start with one.