I maintained a doomsday prepper environment in my house since before Covid was a thing, so I’ve been prepared every time this happened.
If TWD teaches us anything is that human beings devolve to their most tribal, savage, animalistic behaviors of survival when order and reason collapse.
I never changed my Covid preparedness even when my city has been in this weird open/closed limbo with people doing whatever they want.
No, hence why I just speak from what I see around where I live.
I am not ignorant to what’s going on around the area or even in the US. The panic, and hoarding can get crazy. I’m glad it’s ok near where I live FOR NOW at least.
Yep. Sad truth is that taking a day trip below the border saves a lot of money in the long run. It’s the same with the Americans going above the border to buy medicine like insulin.
As long as Amazon and online stores keep in stock I don’t care if the brick and mortars are empty. I’ll likely never shop brick and mortar again. Covid has me loving this stay home and order thing.
People buy guns and ammo at Walmart? Every time I check the local one they got the same 4 boxes of 270 winchester…that no one uses for hunting anymore.
No matter who wins the presidential race there will likely be civil unrest. There have been bad actors on both sides threatening violent action if their candidate loses.
200k deaths “associated” with Covid…there will be 1.5 million people dying this year from cancer and heart disease in the US. The drive thru at Mc D’s is still looking pretty long these days.
I know Walmart pulled all their guns and ammo in case there is unrest because a certain group of people disagree with results on some event that is happening on Nov. 3rd, here in the US.
This is a common argument against the death toll, but they’ve never actually posted a source for it - and medical professionals have regarded the allegation as, “ridiculous”. Though usually they don’t so far as to say any death where they may have the virus is listed as a death.
Please post a source that actually states this is the case.
Honestly at this point I can’t even tell who you’d be referring to. Each side claims the other will riot and there will be pandemonium if they lose. From what I’ve seen, only one side is actively engaging in voter suppression though - and it is quite possibly going to be defended by the stacked SC.
The stores in the greater Portland area seemed to have pulled everything from the shelves. The outlying stores seem to be still selling. Not that I checked every Walmart in the area.
Correct. Cancer and heart research hasn’t been stopped by the powers that be undermining them, though.
Also, other than genetics - and sheer bad luck - cancer and heart disease can be self-inflicted, whereas an incredibly infectious virus isn’t necessarily.