Loaning gold with interest

Why don’t we have a loan system in game where rich players can make their gold work for them by lending it to other players for interest. Risk of non payment would be lower if you loan to players with good history.


…why would we do this?


If you want to lend people gold, go ahead. There’s nothing stopping you.


What happens when someone takes a loan they can never pay back, blows the gold, then quits that account because it feels hopeless? Do those who loaned out the gold just never get their investment back?

Idk… feels like there would be a lot of flaws to that idea that would make it hard to balance.


Because of that Shakespeare usury “pound of flesh” thing, Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons were in it!

The Merchant of Venice?

It would be a nightmare to enforce Miss Templar. It’s just not a good idea. Gold isn’t that hard to come by anyhow.

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That’s the risk. If i was loaning my money I’d want people I trust to vouch for the person taking the loan, otherwise the interest rate would be higher.

EDIT: Oh, also if this becomes an actual system in game, there could be collateral. like maybe the player puts a mount they own up as collateral and if they don’t pay, blizzard repos the mount as payment. Something to that effect anyway.

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Ah ha! Yes! That Al Pacino, what a guy! Boo ah, scent of a woman!

only way to make it work would be for it to be a large pool of gold available and all borrowers pay back on the same pile i would guess maybe it being taken off the top whenever you looted something?

i dunno kind of a good and bad idea at the same time

Then why don’t you just do that? Heck, I do that, I have a loaning chart in google docs for people I have loaned gold to that documents the date, time, person, reason, amount, and amount expected to be returned (in the case of interest and such), date paid off, etc.

I don’t think that needs to be an in game system if you are already limiting it to only people you know or trust.

If you need a loan that badly, I know a raccoon who can help you out. He’s actually quite reasonable.

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My edit addresses that. As a system, blizzard can help enforce any collateral or garnish gold made by the loan taker if they’re late on payment. you can’t have a loan shark business without muscle and the only muscle here is Blizz.

Like a bank. Yeah, that’s pretty good.

Okay, but why would we bother doing this though? There are so many flaws in this system with such little benefit for… anyone.

Okay… so, again, what is Blizzard going to do to someone who blows through the gold they borrowed then quits the game or makes a new account because they can never pay it back? What, is Blizzard going to show up at their house and break their legs?

How do you enforce that, Blizzard has its own legal limits, they can’t just force someone to make it back if they quit.


Because it’s fun. Makes the gold making in the game feel more in depth. Also, for limited time items like the long boi, I bet a lot of people would like to loan the gold now and buy the mount and just pay it off later.

You KNOW gold farmers would be doing this incessantly. They’d even use mat farming accounts that they’re ready to burn so it doesn’t look like a complete noobie account.

A cool idea, but it would be DISASTROUS!

…fun does not compute with this system. At all.

If the loan taker’s account has mounts or other non tradable cosmetics, blizzard can transfer those to me as payment. If the player doesn’t bail on their account, any gold they make in the future is subject to garnishment. if the player just abandons their account all together then that’s a loss and that risk is part of the game.

If the layer taking out the loan doesn’t have any collateral then they’d need someone to vouch for them and if that’s not possible then they cant get a loan. pretty much like how it is irl. Most banks irl aren’t expecting to break your leg to get their money.

I’m sorry. The more details you go into for this idea of yours the less I like it.