It’s not silly at all. There is a difference in being GIVEN a choice of when to play and not HAVING a choice.
typical retail launch i hyped my self up for nothing lol back to classic i go
In about 3 hours most of people in my server will begin do log out to sleep. The “problem” will be solved. Good i have the time to keep it up until late.
So the issue on screen states authentication that is not the issue on my server. THe boat is not showing up and the portal doens’t work. There is no world server down because I can sit here and watch a bunch of people that made it to the isle leveling.
Area 52 here, I can’t load into Orgrimmar very specifically. “World server is down”. Oribos/etc work fine.
World server errors and portal to Dragon Isles isn’t working on Moonguard either.
im also on A52 but sadly im already on dragon ilses so yea im stuck in a perpetual loading screen
Frostmourne too
Absolutely it is. There is no advantage of someone getting two levels of you while you’re waiting for the world server to come back up. The season starts at the same time for everyone.
i just loged on my evoker and my ui presets got wiped and reverted everything i had …
Got D/C then when I try to get back in it says “World Server Down” every, single, time…
not if your actively trying for world first 70 this world servers being down is a distint disadvantage but your correct that the season starts for everyone but those who happen to be on servers that arnt down are ahead in the race
I reserved my precious time to play this game. Until you let me log i have nothing to do and will keep posting here complaining for eternity.
Keep reporting your issues and provide adequate feedback that is useful for support!
I’m not even running a character that’s trying to get to the new content. I’m leveling a character, trying to get to Boralus. Quest turned into Jaina at the docks, tried to get past the intro quests. I get a loading screen, then it dumps me back on the dock, but no Jaina anymore, and no Kul Tiran ship. I figured the quest probably “completed”, so I try to teleport to Boralus. Still nothing.
Alright, more than an hour in and no fix… beat that hamster harder pls
I would love so much to just get to Orgrimmar.
1 hour of world server down and counting.
BRO WHERE IS THE BOAT BRO??!! they added a portal that doesnt give you quest prog and loads to nowhere
No boat. Unknown arrival time. On US Thunderhorn.