Loading screen/Launch Issues - please keep it to one thread. Thanks!

For what? Many streamers are also waiting for the world server.


Yeah waiting 30 mins to even acknowledge it is bizarre

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I mean if the wanted to give the streamers there alone time i would be good with it just a flippen heads up.


Indeed, waiting for nearly an hour. No streamer priv.

If everyone can’t play, no one should be able to play. You’ve got people out there getting ahead of others, which will give them unfair advantages.

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Hetes a updaye from the login screen

Were aware of n issue thats affecting our authentication servers which may result in slow or failed login attempts. We arecurrently investigating the cause and provide updates as they are avalable.


damn was on and started questing then had to reload and now can’t get back in what a bummer

Agreed, they should take down the service while repairing it

Broooo, it’s been 18 years. You are aware of launch issues. You have the money. Upgrade your stuff!

Devs: I know you work hard and this isn’t on you. Corporate entities that own you need to fork out the mulah to make a launch stable!


anniefuschia been playing since drop not a single stutter

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That’s like saying x person doesn’t work and can play 20 hours a day, y person works and can’t do the same. X person shouldn’t be allowed to play that much because of unfair advantages. Bit silly honestly.


Dude WoD launch was hilarious. I have so many screenshots of my flight path Human Centipeding with the other flight paths

world servers are down for the waking shore zone in like all the high pop servers just gotta wait for the small indie company to fix thier servers


Standard launch day…
Loading screen freezes at 80%. After a while you’re returned to the character selection screen with the World Server Down error.


When I applied as an engineer after I saw their offer I understood why they have issues. I’m not taking a 80% pay cut to go fix anything.


Actually, no they don’t Because Taliesin hasn’t been able to get in.


Sentinels - US

Loading screen took 10 minutes.
Boat for the Dragon Isles isn’t showing up.
Portal to the Isles isn’t working.
Can’t leave Stormwind. Everytime my guildies and I try we get booted back in and told “Transfer aborted: Instance not found”.
Can’t exit the game, had to Alt-f4 to escape.

ALL the things are broken right now.


Got kicked out of the game once at dragon isles. Relogged and it’s been loading screen up to 70%, freezes, loads after several minutes, then “World server is down.”

I’m excited to finally play, can only imagine how stressful this is for devs and mods. Hope you all fix it soon :slight_smile:

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it’s not just the high pop servers I swapped to my alt on the lowest pop server and it’s porting everyone from the Zeplin back to the gy outside org

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They have had too many expansions with the same issues to be still having them. I think Pandaria was worse, but the night is still young.

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