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Can we get a simple answer to
“Whats the timer for?”

Someone obviously implmented it. And atm its just trolling people and getting hopes up needlessly… bit cruel

Im on Dragon Isles and cant even get on keep getting world server down, like its going to help adding thousands more to initial hub when you cant even get people there on

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can we just get the portal back?

We do have a boat timer now but still no boat . Most likely I could get lock out of instance but why its in right zone haha .

When you hear streamers call this one of the worst expansion releases - you can’t help but agree as someone who has been trying to log in and just try to play for almost 3 hours with no luck.

I’m not surprised, really, but I really hoped this expansion would be at least playable.

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I’m in the dragon Isles and I keep getting booted and only get to log in once every 10-20 tries…

actively working doesn’t mean anything when we are here getting kicked off the server after waiting hours, and you guys having us sit here for those hours to start an expansion you weren’t ready for…

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LoL “Breaking News,” 2.75 hours after the problem began.

And now when Logging in my UI presets are gone. Hopefully not a tactic to keep me busy for 30 minutes remaking them.

The boats right now are not currently working as intended, yes. But those are what the timers are for.


Taking the portal got players stuck, because it didn’t count for quest credit. So players couldn’t progress.

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Not that timer… the 60 minute buff we all had standing at the dock

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every expansion for two decades, shame on me I guess. I don’t know why I even bother attempting to play a wow expansion on the launch day.


=( thats pretty lame

But didnt we have months of preperation for this exact day? Dont we do this every single launch? im just confused , i understand you guys are working on the transport issues, but even when u get in the game is unplayable. ive had 3 hours of logging in, get dc’d, frozen on load in. logging in, frozen mid combat, get dc’d, froze on loadin, get dc’d froze on loadin, froze while running, get dc’d, frozen on loggin. I just very much dont understand.

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If you got on the Boralus boat (same location), it would port you off with a warning that it’s not the boat you’re looking for.


I’ve been overly patient with this Orlyia, but we’re nearly 3 hours in and Stormrage continues to be a complete lag fest, unable to take or turn in quests to constantly being disconnected for no random reason.

I get people are working on this, but at this rate, we all had best just wait until tomorrow after maintenance at this point because it’s ludicrous that some people are already 67 and others of us can’t even get part way into 60.

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If you are constantly running into these problems why do you continue to try?

The boat on kelthuzad is finally working!