One thing that I strongly feel that the dev team is missing in WoW right now is class design and how bad it feels to play now compared to previous expansions. I myself would definitely prefer MoP class design even WoD over what we have had since Legion launched.
Lovely Mr. Ion Hazzikostas (I still love you very much, you really do a great job and I can tell how much you love the game!) has stated numerous times that they don’t want to make classes feel the same but the huge problem that I believe that he is missing is the fact that when the big pruning happened, this REALLY took away spells that made classes and even specs feel much different than all the others. I believe that they are trying to tackle the solution the absolute wrong way.
Honestly, class design is just so bland. I have been a huge altoholic for years and I’ve always been able to tell the difference and even feel it with each and every rotation but now I feel like I’m doing the exact same thing over and over again and my honest absolute feedback to this would be:
Return class design exactly to what it was in MoP.
I know this isn’t exactly feasible but we have lost way too many abilities and niche feels to all classes/specs because of this. This coupled with the really bad decision of the GCD change for BfA makes things feel absolutely just really slow and worse. Like… Are the devs trying to slow down game play to make it more methodical? I mean… The reason I’ve played WoW for so long is because I hate slow and methodical combat. I prefer fast paced combat.
This is why I used to love Hunters so much and have created way too many of them. Hunters used to be my absolute favorite class to play but back in Legion their GCD got increased from 1 second up to 1.5 seconds and also added a much slower game play style. It’s just really really bad… Don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken… Oh yeah. DK’s used to have a 1 second GCD as well but that was increased in Legion too.
In my opinion, I would be absolutely addicted to WoW right now if class design was better. I know I would be because back in MoP all I ever did was run LFR on alts to gear them up to do normal/heroic raids later on and play around on the timeless isle. I did that over a year and I remember very specifically that I only got bored the last week of MoP because I was just waiting for WoD to launch. No kidding either.
I never got bored once and now I have a hard time logging in. I don’t hate WoW. I LOVE this game and I have for many many years. I just want it to be fun again.
When it comes to raiding I do not feel like I accomplish very much after killing a boss simply because the skill cap has been lowered so much that I feel like I’m just pressing buttons to press them then the boss dies. The satisfaction of being a good player that killed a boss has been diminished for me cause class design is so uninteresting and unfun to play.
It has been stated by devs multiple times that a huge reason for the pruning was the fact that there were just too many abilities to bind. Okay but I used to be a new player once upon a time and I knew and understood that I would have to find a way to bind all my abilities if I wanted to be a better player so I DID… Abilities shouldn’t have ever been removed for the sake of action bars being too full. Yes I used to be a noob once and it took me a while to get all my abilities situated but once I did I felt like I was able to conquer the world and once I was able to master all the classes and specs I felt like an absolute GOD.
My guildies (Most which have left and no I’m not just saying it for dramatic effect) know me to be an absolute badazz because I could bring any class or spec that I wanted to any raid that I wanted because I was just that good. Yet another way that I was able to feel awesome while playing WoW. This feeling has been taken away from me too. All thanks to the mass pruning