In WQ pet battles, where are all the humanoid and dragonkin pets?
Can anything be done so data mining and influencers aren’t the first to tell us about a feature or change? Being left to speculate what is and isn’t intended causes a LOT of confusion and frustration from players!
Because clarification on transmogging artifact weapons is much more imperative than discussion on class design or bugs in the game that still haven’t been fixed for months
We got flight in Legion after 7 months. BFA flight looks to take a lot longer than that, why? When do we fly?
Night and day on OCE servers is broken, when will it be fixed?
Will warlocks ever a glyph to replace our imp with something cooler? maybe a doomguard?
Now that we’ve been pretty much forced to give you guys the benefit of the doubt over some of BfA’s more controversial changes, (GCD, Personal loot) any chance you can maybe look back on them, and see if they worked out and were as good for the game as you thought they would be?
Is ranked solo queue still a possibility? I don’t have time to find similarly skilled teammates!
It’s not. Flying was added in 7.2 and had an 11 week time gate on it during legion. Was that about a full year into the expansion? We aren’t 6 months in to bfa.
Garrisons was ‘Blizzard’s attempt’ at Player Housing, despite the playerbase wanting something more traditional as found in Everquest 2, Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar. When will we get this kind of Player Housing?
Which is too long. There is no reason to gate flying that long. If you want a pathfinder fine, but it should never be gated.
I disagree, but not interested in discussing this here. Just wanted to make it clear that the question was made on false pretenses.
Are there any plans to make heavy changes to classes? Number adjustments are one thing, but many classes feel much more dull than in Legion.
Passive azerite traits aren’t engaging at all. A large amount of class talents are never picked because they are so far behind. Many people do not enjoy BFA because classes feel so lacking.
NOthing is going to happen to Sylvanas this patch . If she is to be deposed or die this expansion it will be at the end and I emphasize if.
What is your opinion on specs having a single optimal talent build for all situations? If it’s a problem, is it a tuning problem or a design problem? Will any changes be made in the near-term?
Can you tell us about any considerable changes for shadow priests that may be in development? Will shadow priests ever receive “Shadow Word: Death” as a baseline spell again?
Some classes got their movement abilities taken off the GCD however many classes were left untouched. When can we expect moves like divine steed and burning rush to be taken off the GCD to be in line with other classes?
Why can’t we toggle off voice chat? It’s causing problems and realistically, few use it, that I’ve seen.
Are the weird lag occurrences being looked at? Mounting in particular has been awful, with invisible mounts that pacify us.
Are the Island reward drop rates staying as is? Can we expect to see ALL rewards on a vendor, even if the vendors rotate their stock on a set schedule?
Are you still doing realm mergers? It was announced, hit a handful of realms, and vanished. I know some empty realms that need help.
Speaking of realms, sharding frequency is getting out of control - it’s even worse when it happens while you’re fighting something (or multiple things!)
Are there any plans for bundling character services? Maybe a discount when you server xfer multiple characters together? Many have stated they’d pay if they could get a bundle deal, myself included.
Are we going to see any profession panes cleaned up? Panes like the tailoring pane have SO many items I can craft, and to find something requires setting 4 filters and collapsing 3 sections.
I agree if they aren’t going to give us anything new then give us back what was good then just move forward and focus on quality over quantity content.
The changes to Island Expedition rewards in 8.1 were very welcome, but they still feel tedious/unrewarding the vast majority of the time. Any plans to make them more engaging/varied? Most weeks I have to really force myself to run the 4 heroics for the weekly map and they’re just so boring.
The War Mode bonus change for Alliance has been applied region wide, despite the fact that RP servers are on a separate set of War Mode shards from other servers. Before this change, faction balance on RP servers was pretty equal. Now, there’s a serious disparity in favor of Alliance. Will this ever be adjusted to reflect RP servers’ separation from regular servers?