Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

Considering the work they are doing with Mecha-Gnomes along with the new Mythic only dungeon they are planning to release on 8.2(?) called Mechagon. I wouldn’t be surprise if sub-race Gnomes are next.

Why do you feel a need to change classes ever expansion? You may take a class someone has played for years and turn it into something they no longer recognize. Between class changes and GCD changes characters feel about the worse they ever have.


Demonology is very fun to play in dungeons but I always feel like I hold my team back when I play because I lack an interrupt and it feels pretty bad. Are there any plans to give Demo an interrupt like the rest of the caster specs?


Will we be getting more warfronts? (ex: Gilneas,Silvermoon, and Barrens) Also I very much enjoy the race theme armor and weapon sets are we going to get more soon?


When will you answer the oceanic community about our day and night cycle issue. It’s been two whole years since we’ve been in perpetual darkness. An update would be appreciated from you guys about this issue.


A lot of us want to do Island Expeditions but unfortunately the drop rate after getting both the Ship Upgrade and the launch of 8.1 severely destroyed any want to do it. Is there any plans on upgrading the drop rate on dubloons in the future?


A bit of a different topic. With the varying diversity in Kul’tirans, is there any chance the Allied Race will have differing model options? Even if it is just the current base (normal) human model?

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You removed Master Loot because negative experiences that happened with that system, can we see it return as an option to content like Mythic Raids where that type of behavior is unlikely to happen and have those spec specific items that Personal Loot allows be put on vendors to be purchased with gear tokens or something similar?


Bear is trash compared to Legion.

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Will we ever see any sort of class upgrade system, like Mages becoming an Archmage or a Lich.

Also, can I borrow 10 dollars?

Edit: Upvote this post, I really need 10 dollars.


any chance we can get gladiator stance back?


Agreed. I would save names like Laserbeak, Ravage, and Rumble on my accounts.

Can we have the class design devs hold a Q&A? or start a conversation on the class forums (no talk in ages for some classes) and talk about proposed changes coming up or can we expect nothing except tuning til next expansion?


they’re coming in 8.1.5 here in the near future they’re currently test-able on the PTR.

Are there any plans to include weapons/rings/trinkets in the loot table for invasions going forward? I have had difficulty with dungeons/raids due to physical restrictions, and would really like other options for obtaining higher level items for these slots through alternative means. Thanks.


Who cares about bears? I’m talking about chickens

I’d like to see ride-able chickens (mount)

Since the removal of the Legion artifact weapons, a lot of classes are left feeling rather plain. Are there any plans to restore some of the missing elements and abilities back to classes?


When will Tauren get more face options, and more character customization in general?

Female Tauren have only 4 face choices, males have only 5.

I’ve been waiting for customization buffs since vanilla—when it was apparent that Tauren got the short end of the stick with respect to customization breadth.

Flash forward to the announcement of allied races, and “hey, maybe Tauren will finally get some customization parity…”

Nope, Highmountain Tauren have the fewest customization options overall. Vanilla Tauren have the next fewest options. I’ve tallied up customization numbers* in this post for comparison: (*prior to the addition of formerly-barbershop-only options to the start screen)

You guys keep adding customization options to the popular races who don’t appear to need any help with recruitment or retention. How about throwing some of the other races a bone for once?


PVP templates or scaling is very confusing, and there hasn’t been much information (other than a simple gif drawing) to explain it. Furthermore, there is no way to determine how effective any particular ability or azerite trait is in PVP, given all the PVP-specific changes that are not apparent anywhere in-game. Will there be any effort in increasing transparency when it comes to PVP?