These Doubloons need to drop

Here I thought I got Doubloons every time I did an Island Expo, but apparently they’re an RNG drop even with Alleria’s upgrade.

Looks like I won’t be getting that really cool tricorne hat for 100 doubloons after all, thanks Blizzard.

And here I was thinking they implied that I would get doubloons every Island Expo.

When I first did a few islands I found doubloons laying all over the beaches.

Then I got the upgrade on the ship that supposedly increases them and I have yet ti see one.

Not saying it is a grand system but I feel like overall you would get 100 dubloons in 100 runs. Realistically you do not always get them but I have noticed at times you get several in one go.

I need people to vote on my question about Dubloons because I need the answer from Ion himself so I can stare at his smug little face and watch him try to dodge the question.

I want that awkward silence, this is your punishment, ION!

I agree OP.

Holy necro batman. Ghouldigger be digging up some old threads.

Because I’m sure it’s still an issue.

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Where are the DD balloons dropping?