Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Can we please take a look at trade restrictions in guild groups especially in Mythic raids? So much gear got scrapped/disenchanted in Uldir that someone in my guild needed and couldn’t be traded because of the restrictions.


You didn’t announce any new Allied Race since Mag’har / Kul’tirans. Will we get new Allied Races during Battle for Azeroth (after Zandalari and Kul’tirans)?


A lot of blizzard fans have been making their views known through outlets like YouTube likes. What is the devs’ response to seeing such a high ratio of dislikes on the 8.1 YouTube video?


A few classes (e.g. Shadow Priests, Enhancement Shamans, Protection Warriors) were slated for a “rework” for 8.1. A couple of the classes were “reworked” in the form of talent tuning (see Enhancement) as contrasted with more “core” changes. Is this the long-awaited “rework” or is more coming?


Are there any changes being made in regards to representation for BOTH factions in decision making levels of this game?

If there are, why is it that all the talking heads and Blizzard reps who direct the game and it’s story are all Horde players?


Class design is a major hot button issue in BfA currently. Specifically in utility, with certain classes/specs out performing the rest.
Could you expand on how the team feels about their specs, overall?


What happened to the 8.1 class changes you promised? None of the changes addressed any of the core issues these specs have.


PvP context (and some applicability to PVE): Shamans (especially elemental) still lack meaningful defensives. They are either too long of a CD (Astral shift of 1.5min) or frankly do not do enough. As a player I have to make the choice between a defensive or a utility, making me irrelevant in any high pvp gameplay. Will more defensives come to a class with lack of movement or insane damage?


Many classes and spec currently felt really shallow/boring to play because of the limited abilities, not to mention passive talents usually perform better than the active one, can we expect more ability be added in future patch or expansion?


Some racials such as Nightborne and Mag’har Orc are incredibly undertuned in both PvE and PvP. Are there any plans to make them and other current & future racials more in line with each other?
Troll Berserking racial nerf was a step in the right direction.


What are you doing to improve communication with players? The whole “we’re going to get better at this” loses its meaning after its been said over a dozen times.


First Off, I appreciate the chance for a Q&A. Thanks.

We’ve been told multiple times that this is not a retread of Mists of Pandaria. But at this point, even the patch cycle is the same.

Patch X.0 is “explore a new land, form new alliances, deal with the problems inherent in the land.”

Patch X.1 is “escalate the conflict, bring the war to a head, have major stuff go down that is part of the faction war.”

Patch X.2 is “now go to an as of yet unseen island where you can spend your soloing time farming rare mobs and doing world-activities. You will also be fighting an ancient threat with terrible power who has been working behind the scenes all expansion.”

At what point would you acknowledge that this is a retread and that we have a right to be upset for getting the same story again? Will patch 8.3 be us farming Tirisfal for Forsaken deathstalkers? Will 8.4 be Siege of the Under-Undercity?

The time I spend playing now is not somehow inferior to the time I will be spending playing patch 8.Last. It’s the same $15, and I think we all deserve to know what it is we paid and are paying for.


When are kul tirans and zandalari coming? Will they require a patch 8.1.5?

Will other already-released allied races get improvements on customization?

Is there anything you can say about future allied races?


Allied Races the big thing for this expansion, when are you going to tell us which ones are coming next?
Vulpera? If so when?
San’layn? If so when? (Please say yes to both of these two.)
Junk gnomes? (my son, alliance player he is ugh, wants them)
How many more allied races are on the way? You said they are all planned out well give us this much at least.

  1. Will certain classes ever be allowed to step into different roles? Ex: a rogue spec for tanking. If a monk can slam a few beers and be able to take on the world, why not a rogue Zorro style. Mages that heal based on manipulating time, Tank hunters that ride beasts!

  2. Will we see additional sets added to the Sets/Appearances Tab? Dungeon Sets, Leveling Sets, alternate colors from raids, etc…

  3. What’s the plan for an AH rework? Will we be able to sort items by item level? Condense Battle pets that are caged, and those that are from items into a single type? Put in purchase orders, for example I want 1000 Monelite ore, and am willing to pay 15g per ore, and another player could fulfill the order? Almost like trading over the AH.


Will us warlocks get more demon glyphs for all our demons? I mean I did with the help of 25 others beat Xavius the nightmare lord and Guldan the strongest orc warlock ever seen and conquered the Lich king. Yet I still run around with Azmir my little imp that can one shot ragneros the fire lord It feels weird.


Will Kul Tiran humans as an allied race have an option to be “human sized” like most of the NPCs in Kul Tiras?




Would it be possible for specific Q&A’s with each classes respective head developers, it would undoubtedly allow for the community and the Devs to better connect and understand class issues and how they could be resolved.


Many players miss activity-related appearance unlocks, like the artifact appearances we had in Legion, which we could obtain not by simply looting an item over a dead boss, but rather completing 10 rated battlegrounds, all dungeons in mythic difficulty, a specific achievement and so on.

Any plans to include anything of the sorts in the next patches?