Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Do you think that M+(10+) in terms of spec representation will ever be balanced? It’s no secret that just a few specs make up the majority representation in the current season because of how far more useful they are compared to other specs.


How can Night Elves be made to join the Forsaken?! Why are they willingly joining the very ones who killed them and are bringing a holocaust upon their land and their people?!


When can we expect to see playable Zandalari trolls? It is frustrating to see one of the biggest selling points of the expansion still not available to the player base after so many months.


Any chance that the Krokul Mining Pick (and any other non moggable items) can become transmoggable in the future?


Where are the Shaman changes that couldn’t be done in time for BfA’s launch and couldn’t be implemented via hotfix before 8.1’s release?

When are you removing tank defensive abilities like Dancing Rune Weapon and Hand of the Protector from the GCD?

When are you adjusting tanks to not be healer target dummies?


Ion and Lore both play Shamans and yet Shamans get no love. How is this possible?


Why has gold been so hard to get in this expansion and are there going to be ways to earn in 8.1 without us having to resort to weekly old raid runs to be able to repair our weapons and armor?


So with the change that fist weapons can be transmogged into one handers and vice versa. Can fury warriors be allowed to transmog 2 handed weapons into 1 handers? For many of us, SMF was our identity. We would like it back.


Why is there a lack of meaningful character progression outside of gear progression? Ie. Lack of something to work for that has value and isnt just cosmetic. Some examples would be skill with items, mounts, profession mastery etc. Credit to Belluar - eu


As most Kul Tirans in-game use the standard human model instead of their larger counterparts will we be able to choose which type of model we want to use when they become playable? Mainly to be able to use the heritage set on it.


Will there be more character customization options available in the future. I am no developer, but I can’t say this can take too long to make or take up that many resources and could have a very positive impact on every aspect of player in WoW.

I think we can all agree we could use some more hair, facial hair, face, scars, tattoos, etc options. Right?!


Will the Alliance, specifically the night elves, GET their vengeance on Sylvanus and the Horde, as the title of this patch and all advertising of it portrays or is it true that Sylvanus will essentially be given a pass on all that was done, as Alex Afrasabi stated in the interview with Blizzard Watch?


The Fortified M+ affix seems to be universally less liked than Tyrannical. Is there any interest within the team to rebalance the relative power of M+ affixes, and specifically these two?

P.S. I think Tyrannical is great. It makes M+ boss fights actually interesting and brings them closer to raid levels of skill and attention required.


Since the Burning Legion is now defeated. Can we maybe expect the Eredar to become a potential allied race in the future?


Titanforging makes gear feel incredibly unrewarding, is there any possibility for the Development team to reconsider thier stance on the subject?


As part of plans for better communication could we hear from devs in addition to Ion during Q&A or on a different video format? I love hearing Ion’s reasoning on things but it would be interesting to hear from people like Alex Afrasiabi on lore, Jeremy Feasel on islands, or Chris Robinson on art, etc…


To further add on to this, many of your fans have been playing this game for a very long time. Many of us warriors were upset with the forced change from SMF to TG. One of the best things about RPGs has always been choice and while I understand that you wanted to create a stronger sense of theme, it indirectly destroyed player theme identity. As an undead warrior, I’m not some monstrous orc that slams 2 handed weapons left and right (I have 13 warriors 120, I just like posting on my mag’har). One handed weapons make sense. Please reconsider.


Are there currently any plans to focus more on character progression and classes as a whole? I feel there has been neglect in handling classes and azerite armor does not fix the lack of such progression.


Now that Mythic quality Azerite gear is accesible outside of Mythic raid, is there any plan to lower the requirement to raid mythic (Flask, raidsize, etc), considering the amount of resource and time required to raid Mythic is way too much for the reward, feels like spamming M+ is way better path for gearing.

Can we get unique Nightborne attacking animations? That’s the only thing that prevents me from playing 1. I personally do not enjoy NE animations and them having those animations do not represent the culture our Nightbornes have.