Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Why do you insist on casters being turrets, yet continually increase the movement required in group encounters? This isn’t fun.


Why did it take so long to find out Warfronts could only be done in groups of five and why is it that scaling difficulties that allowed for guilds to do Warfronts as a larger raid was not a feature you anticipated would be desirable for the launch of the expansion?


Any chance blizzard can make two good expansions in a row or will every other expansion be a rushed piece of garbage like WOD an BFA? This does mean next xpac when we return to the lich king will be good at least

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Faction choice is the most important decision a player in Warcraft makes and faction conflict is the defining aspect of Battle for Azeroth. With that in mind, why do you continue to regard the Alliance-aligned Quel’dorei as the same character fantasy as the Horde-aligned Sin’dorei? Why doesn’t the most important player decision in WoW qualify a meaningful distinction between these two groups of elves?


You say that while the Azerite system is somewhat unfortunate and not where you want it to be, that we have to just deal with it.

Why? Blizzard is god in World of Warcraft. Aside from a few technical standpoints, you should be able to remove it entirely for something more favorable, correct? Please explain why this is difficult, and why you simply don’t want to remove it, even though you regard it as something to deal with instead of something to be engaged in.


Warlords of Draenor is considered one of the worst expansions produced and Burning Crusade is considered one of the best. With that in mind, why did you create Mag’har orcs from the disjointed, development-plagued alternate Draenor instead of the community-favorite Outland? If it was because of customization options, couldn’t that have been applied to the Outland Mag’har, since they were made up of those same clans and probably preserved their traditions?

Thank you for giving us something more to do with our Sanguicells(previously I had nothing)! My issue has really been Expulsom. Will you be implementing more/better ways to obtain it in the future? Farming endless BoE’s in hope of getting Expulsom is not fun.


So listed in the 8.1 patch notes, i can see there’s been changes to the druids…the only good change i see is guardian, all of our other specs have basically been left flapping in the wind, which is feral. ( Besides balance which is the only viable spec atm ) The druids have become clunky and messy to work with & frankly not fun anymore ,while most of us have to change our mains to “enjoy bfa” aka to even do higher end content. Do you have any other plans to fix this utter lack of balance in PvE?


Wondering why the change to deleting M+ keys. Seemed like a great QoL change made in BFA only to be removed quickly after implementation. What was the reason behind the change?

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Not having azerite drop from mythic plus is the dumbest thing ever, blizzard if you are going to put abilities an talents on gear then we need a God damn way to repeatedly farm that gear.

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When will you revert the GCD changes?

Why make it so M+ keys cannot be deleted?

Why do you continue to write in a way that makes people on both factions feel like ****?

When are you adding auto accept?

When are you firing Ion?


Why doesnt titan residuum drop from completing mythic dungeons why must we wait for are weekly cache on Tuesday seems like a way to extend play time with this God awful azerite system. When are you a s s h o l e s going to fix this game


Do currently have any content planned that is similar to the Mage Tower? I thought it was really fun to be able to work towards a cool appearance on every class and spec.

If you arent going to fix the fact that we need to repeatedly farm azerite with the same exact traits just a higher item level then why doesnt the boring armor just drop in the mythic plus dungeons, how come a major feature for this xpac is locked behind a rng chest at first an now a crappy currency system that will take weeks of farming to get are bis azerite.

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Blizzard how come every system an experience in BFA feels like a massive downgrade from legion?


Could we possibly get a rough estimate to when we might get the new Worgen and Goblin models, it would be really nice to have a bit more communication on subjects such as this.

Why don’t azerite trait selections change with spec (like talents or set bonuses)?

Bonus question, why cant I swap traits with a tome of tranquil mind (still keeping a gold fee to respec them)?

Are these technical limitations or gameplay ones?


Couldn’t most of the balance changes for this patch have been in a hotfix earlier in the year? Why wait until a patch to put them out? Definitely feels as if you were saving everything for the patch to artificially inflate the patch notes.


What is the reasoning behind talents ending at level 100? With the removal of the artifact tree all classes feel lacking outside some of the interesting pvp talents.


Are there any plans to “undo” the Spell/Talent prunes? Many classes feel like they’ve lost options for no reason other than presumed “button bloat”, and we haven’t gotten a new talent tier since WoD.