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Is their a possibly of another world revamp in the vein of the Cataclysm expansions happening?

With the addition of Allied Races, level scaling, and recently quest reward upgrading, more and more newer questing/levelling systems are getting justaposed onto a levelling experience it isn’t designed for, not to mention other issues such as story continuity in older questing content and the fact that the Cataclysm world is currently older then the world it replaced 8+ years ago.


What’s up with the Scarlet Halls Dark Ranger quest?

While these live Q&A’s are appreciated, how about more frequent Reddit sessions or Dev Watercoolers instead? Question submission could be similar. They would allow for more complete and thought out responses rather than being put on the spot and leaving some answers feeling half-hearted. And at least in regards to Reddit, some organic back and forth can take place.


Can we maybe get another look at 10man mythic raiding? It is very hard for guilds on small servers to get to a full 20 and stay there. my only option is to leave people I have been playing with for 10 years and hop around. not much fun in that.

How much longer do you believe you guys can milk this cash cow? It’s obvious with the current game state that Blizzard has stopped caring long ago. Shame on you Ion the Prune Master. Shame on you all! Shame on me as well for still taking part in this crapola.


Update on guild permissions? The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes


With the removal of portal to Cavern of Time I had to use the fight taxi in Orgrimmar and it took so long my character afked during the fly. Can you make the taxis go faster in Kalimdor and Easter Kingdoms?


Having given up on addressing the community perception of enhancement shamans, why not give them the paladin treatment and return artifact abilities like doom winds to them, along with reverting the maelstrom limit change. Treat the rest of BoA as an extended beta so that perhaps you might be able to salvage them for the next expansion… please?

Why is demonology not allowed to be the best warlock spec for 1 tier? You gave it 1 month and then didn’t just nerf it, you destroyed it.

As a Mythic Raider, obtaining new Azerite gear feels extremely bad right now. Due to forced personal loot, not only do I have to trade every piece of Azerite gear that I loot to my raid to someone who may or mat not actually need it but just says they do, but waiting weeks to get enough Residuum to even buy 1 specific piece is ridiculous. It honestly feels bad being rewarded a piece of loot in raid because I know I’m just going to have to give it away instead of being able to actually use it as currency to get something I want. Is this going to change sometime soon? Honestly at this point, I would prefer if no gear was trade-able like in Destiny 2. It’s not fun.

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When can we get a definitive no to the idea of High Elves be made playable. I’d like a decision on this matter so everyone can go home.

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Can you add door status to the map while in the Waycrest Manor similar to how you did to the Arcway?

Don’t you think it’s time to remove the reputation requirement to the War Campaign? With the new quest that rewards 2 mounts for doing the War Campaign on both factions, I was excited to level a new character on Horde to get these rewards. But now that I have reached the point where I need to be close to exalted with Honorbound, I don’t even want the mounts anymore because I don’t want to have to grind that rep again for days or weeks, depending on how much time I can spend doing that again.


Why are all trinkets in BfA so awful? I don’t think we’ve ever seen such universally unexciting/weak trinkets as we have in BfA.


With the Sunwell restored, Belfs can choose golden yes, but my Belf is a mage and uses the arcane portion of the Sunwell, I know we cannot get blue eyes, but I hope for purple eyes one day to represent the arcane portion of the Sunwell. Thanks


Are there plans to move Silvermoon and Exodar zone from the Outland map to the Azeroth map and make them flying zones? Thanks


Class reworks, where is the communication? Why keep designing classes we don’t like?

I would really love to actually want to do Island Expeditions. Can you just add a vendor that allows you to purchase every reward from any island for Doubloons? Keeping random rewards/amount of doubloons gained random is fine, but just mindlessly doing an infinite amount of islands to get 1 or 2 desired rewards does not sound fun, and is probably why the amount of engagement on one of this expansions “Main Features” is so low.


There is a Portal to Uldum that will put you pretty close to Tanaris in Org. All the old Cata Portals are still there.

You could also take the Silithus portal in Draz.

Is there a way we can make a more equal ground for Personal Loot in all forms of groups? The system itself is entirely too restrictive for guilds trying to have any sort of progression.

If I want to loot spec change to a healing spec, while I’m Tank or DPS, why can’t I trade the Healing Trinket to my healer who so desperately needs it? The current system removes my ability to give away the loot that I receive. Could we not just make it so that whatever item is dropped, we can trade it away at our own leisure?

I’m in the group of players that would love Master Loot to come back, but your stance clearly indicates that’s not happening. So can we please have more options to at least help our friends/guildmates with progression?

Thank you.

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