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When are we getting our portals to Caverns of Time, Karazhan, and the Pandaria Shrines back?


Answered. At. Blizzcon. 2018. Patch 8.2.5

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Are there plans to address or bring back some of the older-style rpg elements that we have lost over time?

Such as, but not limited to, weapon skills, more worthwhile and in-depth professions, reforging so we can control and optimize stats, more stats to keep track of, class differentiation (less homogenization of talent trees), unique reputations, and so on.


Will there be more Quilboar before the expansion ends? Because there should be.

Any chance that low-population servers will be merged in the near future?


With the recent major changes involving the Experience on & Experience off separation within instanced PVP, we have lost a major connection between our well loved characters.
Instanced PVP has become nonexistent, for the majority of Experience off characters.

Are there any plans to reintegrate some form of seamless game play which will allow both parties to queue/play together (PVP/PVE) once again?



So with the recent change to Experience On & Off Battle grounds, is this the final resolution to this? Before the change Experience on & off , Battle ground queues depending on level bracket, were relatively short. After the change queue times for Experience on Battle grounds at higher level are more lengthy and Experience off battle ground queues non Existent. Is there anyway we get compromise on it. Instead of separating Xp on&off, you could make rewards worth it for people leveling, making characters with less gear in Battle grounds more competitive or Just buffing Experience from winning or losing.


Will Pro Horde players ever get any quests with Sylvanas or other non-Alliance friendly npcs or are we stuck killing our own NPCs with Alliance heroes like Baine?


Why is the maledict trinket still in the game?

This is hard to put in a question. Ion once said in an interview that it’s easy for players to be very focused on their individual class, but that the focus still has to be on the game as a whole for the team.

From my perspective my class is EVERYTHING I do in the game. It’s my window to literally every single action I take. If that gets gutted, pruned, is not fun, is tuned very poorly to me almost nothing feels worse or makes me dislike the game more. What would you say to players when class design seems like such a low priority, but feels so important to players?


Can we get the Barman Shanker in Transmog?

It turns out twinks don’t enjoy playing against other twinks, and non-twinks want nothing to do with twinks.

This is my surprised face: :roll_eyes:


Here’s a couple, pick one or (or more).

Are you doing anything about Affliction Warlocks and their “75% former baseline abilities” talent set up? Since Legion, we’ve been harping about this. If we have to wait until 9.0 for any meaningful change…is four years not enough???

Portals. +15k comments, 0 feedback heeded. Enough said.

Anything planned on fixing gearing and it’s overly RNG reliant gameplay?

Professions are still dead in the water, any idea on making them not suck?


They did reply to the portal issue. You all just didn’t like the answer they gave.


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Are there any plans to introduce something like a minimum key experience to the Dungeon LFG tool so that we do not need 3rd party match making tools like the raider[dot]io score any more?

Didn’t say they didn’t reply, said they didn’t act on the overwhelmingly negative feedback. Two very different things.

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Legion and Battle for Azeroth brought updated casting animations for all casters except Balance druids. Will Moonkin Form get an update in the near future?

When asked about platekinis/skimpy armor at Blizzcon 2017, the response was it had to “make sense.” It would make perfect sense for island expeditions or Trial of Style to award these options, yet we haven’t had anything like this added. What gives?


Are you guys happy with the current state of racials? The new allied races racial seem very strong and thematic. While some older races (even some of the other allied races) could use some love on specific abilities.

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Any chance we’ll get to split Artifact T-mog by hands in the future? (For example I love the Prot Warrior Flail, but don’t care for the shield and want to use Bulwark of Azzinoth)