Little reason to believe they are listening

Dear Blizzard Team,

I am a disabled Veteran with limited use of one hand, and I rely on a Razor Tartarus for keybindings and macros to play. Despite my best efforts, my hand sometimes goes numb, making it difficult to keep up with the fast-paced requirements of the game.

I have been trying to return to World of Warcraft for some time, but I continue to encounter significant barriers. I rejoined during Dragonflight but left due to the toxicity within the community. Recently, I’ve returned again, focusing on my BM Hunter. While I’ve made progress with the help of my guild, I still face harsh criticism from others for any mistakes or deviations from perfection.

I’ve spent hours researching, downloading addons, adjusting keybindings, and watching tutorials to improve. Despite this effort, I struggle to compete effectively in PvP. As a BM Hunter, it feels like my class is inherently disadvantaged compared to others. Our survivability and utility, especially in arenas, seem far inferior. Success often requires a dedicated personal healer, which is difficult to find. My rating in Rated Battlegrounds dropped from 1796 to 1677 despite consistent effort, and I cannot seem to break through to 1800. Losing 9 out of 10 is a constant, I’ve never won 9 out of 10 rated bgs.

Recently, my frustration peaked with Zevkir??. Despite being in item level 634 gear, I cannot defeat him even after countless attempts and 80k gold in repairs. I’ve followed online guides, adjusted my approach, and refined my macros and add-ons. Yet, I still fail. I’ve tried tanking and kiting methods, interrupting heals, handling adds, and disengaging the dot, but the fight remains insurmountable for me. Meanwhile, I’ve seen players with lower item levels complete it successfully.

As a paying subscriber, I feel disheartened by the disparity in class balance, the lack of accessibility, and the community’s toxicity. I understand that game balance is complex, but the experience for BM Hunters—especially in PvP—feels neglected. Additionally, as someone with physical limitations, I find it disheartening that the game doesn’t offer better support for accessibility and alternative playstyles.

I request reimbursement for the repair gold I’ve spent attempting Zevkir. If that is not possible, I will consider canceling my subscription. More importantly, I hope Blizzard takes this feedback seriously and considers improvements for accessibility, class balance, and community management to ensure all players can enjoy the game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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You’ll want to post in the hunter forums as this is a player support forum and does not take feedback or suggestions. If you have a suggestion then use the in game suggestion link


This is a player-help-player Forum with Blizzard Support Forum Agent overview.

Feedback is not collected nor forwarded from here.


Others will grill you about not using the proper channels, but I have to say… you’re venting, but you’re not providing suggestions or ideas on how to fix the “issues” you’re “encountering”.

Are you saying no BM hunter has killed ??, because I doubt that.
Are you saying there are no decently ranked BM hunters in PvP, because, again, I doubt that.

When you submit your suggestion through the proper channel, do exactly that. Do not just vent. Venting is just complaining, you should provide examples of reasonable solutions, which is the opposite of what you did in your post.


Will not be happening for you, I’m afraid.

What I can offer you is to reach out to the Accessibility Team. While it comes with the warning that you’re not guaranteed a response, we have seen plenty of folks come back here saying that they’ve been reached out to.

I also will advise you not to try and milk them for repair costs because that just isn’t something you’re going to get from any department. But relay what you’re experiencing and specifics of your physical limitations. Perhaps they can help shed light on something you haven’t tried yet. Their email is listed in the article below.

All the best to you.


If you’re relegated to playing with one hand, then you should look into using a foot pedal. Researching whether or not they’re allowed, I cannot find a single search result that suggests they aren’t, as long as it functions the same as a normal mouse, being one button one click. I’m not absolutely certain of this but it is definitely worth looking into as a possible remedy for your problem.

And if anything, if WoW doesn’t allow it, then you can still make use of it in general.


They do listen, I myself injured my hand a number of years ago and find it much more difficult to use a mouse these days because of bones not healing correctly And have found that changes made to dragon riding did actually help in some small ways last xpac and I believe that further changes since have also improved things. So yes they do listen if done in the correct forum.


They are okay to use as long as they adhere to the one action per click rule.


since no one suggested it check out


The thing is they do not come to this forum for feedback. Also if your having issues with just the mouse. You can use a set of foot pedals that can plug into your usb port as well. So you can keybind things and use your feet.


This is more of a help desk! They do not come here for feedback. For that you need the hunter forum or general


I know of many many BM hunters who have beaten it so its not a hunter issue. There is good advice on the hunter discord and people more than willing to help.

As sad as it may be, skill matters and some games or things in those games are just not for everyone. I personally do not run M+, its not my thing or in my wheelhouse. My husband recently tried to get me playing a game he likes that I just could not play. I sucked. It is what it is. I would focus on things you can do and enjoy. The good thing about WOW is that it has tons of different things in game to do!


I would counter with the fact that Classic exists and we are getting player housing next expansion is tangible proof that they do listen. So let’s not keep going with the overly dramatic.

Customer Support does not mean “I’m a customer, so you have to do what I say to support me”. This particular forum is in the Support category, along with others like Bug Report, Tech Support, etc. They serve a specific purpose to assist players., and the employees who monitor these forums are not Developers, nor do they pass on feedback to the Developers.

To leave feedback on what they should be changing, you need to post in a Discussion forum, such as PvP, Quests, DR&S, or as a catch-all for feedback that doesn’t fit in another forum: General. That feedback is collected and considered by the Developers.


Since this is a player to player help forum, I CAN try to help you with the Zek fight.

I haven’t done any PVP in a few years because I just can’t deal with the hostility when I’m solo. I used to have a few friends for PVP and that was fun.
Currently, there is a recent thread in the Hunter forums about the Zek fight that I posted a very long winded response to earlier this week. If you post in that thread about what specific things are giving you the most trouble, maybe I can help.

AND TO BE VERY CLEAR, I am not going to tell you it’s easy. It’s awful. However, I did learn to adapt to my particular limitations and finally get him down……after 300 plus attempts. You can’t possibly be more frustrated than I was at that point. :wink:

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“So let’s not keep going with the overly dramatic.”

As you make it more dramatic Melaesia, I think and if you read it is apparent I am a returning player and did not understand that Customer support Forums did not mean “customer support” nor did I imply that they “have to do what I say to support me.”

Blizzard and its developers should be able to handle feedback. I do however appreciate what you said about Classic which could have been said with less effort and less inflammatory. I see you post alot, I am sure you understand that I am not alone in my frustrations.

I can appreciate the thought you put into making this post, Zarren, and the struggles that you seem to have had with some game play.

There is little I can offer that hasn’t been stated already. As the others mentioned this is not the appropriate location for feedback. Game design is not within the scope of customer support. We have zero involvement in the development or implementation of the game or any of its systems.

If you have feedback, it is best posted in the relevant sections of the forums (such as the Hunter forum for Hunter feedback) or by using the in-game option found through the Support menu.

Tracezero has some good suggestions to help that feedback be more productive by providing actionable information to your feedback.

I would recommend reaching out to the Accessibility team if an accessibility issue has become a barrier in playing.

I’m afraid we cannot reimburse repair costs for failed attempts at Zevkir. I’m sorry if that causes you to stop playing.