I am leveling up my Vulpera, after having leveled 15 other characters, and I have to tell you, I love the quest line that requests Bwonsamdi’s aid.
I love the character of Bwonsamdi. What is his backstory? How did he become a Loa? I apologize in advance - I haven’t read any of the books. I know he exists…but who was he before he was a Loa?
Share your stories 
There is no origin lore to Bwonsamdi that we know of yet. But we do know Mueh’zala came before him.
Mueh’zala is a character you’ll see more of in Shadowlands. Some spoilers below:
Mueh’zala is a Loa of Death, and the one who whispered to Vol’jin to name Sylvanas Warchief. He’s working with The Jailer and Sylvanas becoming Warchief was part of their plan.
You help Bwonsamdi take him down and replace him as the true Loa of Death.
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Very cool - I will check it out. Thanks!
Also Bwonsamdi has some rather short history in WoW.
He first appeared in the Cataclysm Pre-Patch event, and didn’t show up again until BFA.
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So at this point, is Bwonsamdi just the “apprentice”?
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Compared to Meuh’zala, yea he’s the little fish for now.
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Ok. I’ll try to read up a bit more. Thanks for the reference. I’m just curious about “lil’ ol’ bwonsamdi” - doesn’t seem so little…
Everytime I hear about Bwonsamdi I go straight to when people were making threads about how it hurt their feelings that he mocked them upon death.
Hurt their feelings? Really? It’s hilarious! Always makes me laugh.
[Edit - sharing more] - the character I leveled before my vulpera was a nightborne death knight… love the class references… Bwonsamdi said “NIce death gate - you should see MY death gate…” I cracked up.
Bwonsamdi was originally a Priest of Mueh’zala, the old Loa of Death.
He made a mysterious deal with Mueh’zala. What he gave is unknown. What he got was that he was elevated to Loa of Death. Mueh’zala stayed as his boss.
In Shadowlands, Bwonsamdi notices several loa were missing, and ask the player to investigate as he feared he could be next, being a loa and all. While investigating, the player and Bwonsamdi discover that Mueh’zala was behind the Loa disappearances, and he was on the Jailer’s side. Bwonsamdi decides to side against his boss. That eventually leads to the dungeon “De Other Side” where we help Bwonsamdi beat his former boss and become the new boss of Troll Afterlife.
And just for the record… @Blizz, the person who voices Bwonsamdi - nice job. Bwon-mon is easily one of my favorites in the game.
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Honestly love that guy and frankly he makes dying just a liiiiiiittle bit less unbearable. His jabs and mocks are so cheeky it’s great.
Whenever he jabs at me in those class-specific teases I wish I could talk back to him albeit not seriously but like banter. Dude be making rolling jokes about my Monk, He WOULD be the very dude to say that too.
Interesting. I am sort of glad Bwonsamdi stands against his “boss”. He has this honest energy about him - clever. His character is really engaging.
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Cool, but that’s quite a few spoilers without any warning.
In Mortis’ defense, he did do the “Summary” thing 
I’ll also state that before BFA, he was very connected with Vol’jin. He’s there to help Vol’jin reclaim the echo isles, and when Vol’jin is injured in MoP, Bwonsamdi appears to him again, but this all happens in the novel rather than the book. He’s so connected with Vol’jin that I honestly thought he was just a darkspear troll loa.
BFA really developed his character to be connected with the Zandalari and as a loa for all trolls.
Bwonsamdi is probably THE best character Blizzard has ever created! I wish we could’ve seen more of him in BfA after 8.1 but we didn’t 
Plus, he’s hot as hell. Dat accent
That was one of my favorite parts of BfA. I’m honestly going to miss it.
Yeah bwonsamdi was by far my favorite besides Zekhan.

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