Little Ol' Bwonsamdi

Bwonsamdi is one of those people who, when losing a battleground and the other side pushes all the way to your graveyard, they say “don’t rez, they’re camping us, just don’t respawn” and they just talk trash the whole rest of the battle.

He is an interesting character. Not sure I’d trust the guy but I do like him.

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He’s definitely my favorite character from BfA.

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Trust him…no, not at all…he’s a creature of fairie and you never fully trust them, they are like Lawyers they live for the fine print and the unsaid.

But I love his character…he makes the graveyard in the open world an absolute hilarious thing and the class specific jabs are a beautifully done touch. Whoever thought of that needs a raise.


What’s your favorite Bwonsamdi dialogue when you die?