For some of the questionable ones I feel like the legion titles might be a good fit.
For example I’m not super jazzed about shado pan for monk as an example since I don’t play a panda, and I’ve been hoping for some aspects from other monks we’ve seen in the game like the auchenai ones and the scarlet monastery ones. I’d take Grandmaster over it in terms of flavor. Though for monk I feel like they should focus more on themes rather then what we currently have, like what is a conduit of the celestials even? All three seem very pandaren which granted fits monks well enough but I’d like at least one to focus more on the martial arts rather then the pandaren lore side of monk. I’d like one that has a stormy name since ww and mw could easily have a fit for that like stormlord or eye of the storm or something(bonus points if its actually bad for eye of the storm).
Mage should get archmage, its a wc3 hero class and it really just fits for arcane/frost.
Evoker is fine and I’d like to highlight what I like about the evoker ones is that they clearly focused on a dragonflight for each one chronowarden is bronze and likely effects bronze spells for pres and aug, Ruby adept is red and likely effects red spells for dev and pres, and scale warden could be a general one for dev and aug with their blue and black spells respectively. Having clarity in the names like this is something that blizz should aim for with all the hero talents.
Now for a list of talent names I’m less impressed with and wouldn’t mind replaced with the title you got in legion
Death knight: I like them, was thinking about deathlord vs deathbringer but deathbringer is a title we have seen and deathbringer saurfang was cool and I want my dk to be similarly cool.
Demon Hunter:
both of them, either could be slayer which is still a weak name. Maybe keep it simple with something like Slayer and Avenger with slayer being more killy and avenger being more tenacious. Maybe upgrade slayer to demon slayer which sounds better. Avenger could also get a modifier like Avenger of worlds. Aldrachi Reaver is ok, but the aldrachi lore is basically nonexistent, cool if it gets fleshed out but if not its probably better to go for general and vague instead of specific and undercooked.
Druid: generally a winner, but maybe go Archdruid of the claw or change up wildstalker to be less generic.
Evoker: see above(its good)
Hunter: Huntmaster vs packleader. Sentinel lacks some oomph and Sentinel and Dark ranger make hunter disproportionately elfy since those are both elf things. Dark ranger stays its good stuff.
Mage: turn spellslinger into archmage. Spell breaker would be cool, but it doesn’t really evoke a fire feel and sunfury is elfy enough. Frostfire spellslinger might be better then frostfire by itself, frostfire isn’t really a title.
Monk: (see above its bad)
Paladin: I like them but templar and highlord are about the same level of oomph, in fact I’d same highlord wins out a bit. High templar or Templar champion might be better.
Priest: Oracle vs High priest, oracle is a weird one it doesn’t feel inherently priestly in fact its more of a shaman image to me.
Rogue: fatebound goes, nightblade could replace it but there is likely a better name out there.
Shaman: already has farseer and good on them for that. Totemic is weak, I would aim for something frosty or earthy like Tidesage or Earthbinder.
Warlock: hellcaller is the weakest, but acceptable and competitive with netherlord
Warrior: replace slayer, Executioner would be a good name but warrior is a weird one.