They’ve fixed it so it actually is affected by haste. I don’t know the numbers but a jack of all trades ability that can either heal or harm is nice.
Sure - I’m just not sure it’s remotely equivalent to some of the other dps orientated racials.
The Embrace of the Loa is a great example of doing a multiple ability right/in an exciting way.
If you bind it to another spell with no GCD (movement or defensive typically) it adds a bit of extra damage or healing, so it’s not completely useless.
I don’t number crunch, but as long as the difference in race+class damage is <1% I wouldn’t write it off.
Wow that’s dumb. You gotta grind bosses to get more stuff for your bags? smh
I think it fits, scavenging old ruins for powerful relics.
Then throwing them at people and hoping for the best.
Players are already burned out just grinding to unlock your race. Now we gotta grind bosses for drops for the racial?
These drops are purely cosmetic merely changing the missile’s appearance, arguably the only game play change is their school of magic (e.g Nature -> Holy).
These bosses are from old content, you can just waltz in and one shot them. Hence their cosmetic style, think of it as a transmog run.
I kind of think the other farmable relics could have utility effects instead of just a straight damage or heal output.
A jar of sticky goo that slows an enemy for 2 seconds.
A firecracker that knocks an enemy back a short distance.
A voodoo charm that dispels one curse.
A vial of holy water that removes one stack of a disease.
A Sethrak relic that removes one poison.
A mummified snake that turns into one snake to bite and poison your target.
A large feather that makes you jump really far.
A small statue of a bird that lets you levitate for one minute.
A jar of curdled alpaca milk that does nothing but make your target smell bad.
Come on, Blizzard, get creative!
Someone’s salty. If the Vulpera racial is that bad, and it matters that much to you then why roll one?
If it’s a case of under-performing (which does seem to be the case) then a little buff over time is entirely possible.
What grind? The rep has been available since launch, and even just doing the zone quests and a few emissaries should have gotten you an exalted cache or two by now.
Heaven forbid you spend 5-10 minutes running through an old raid a few times to get a cosmetic item…
3 weeks and nothing !! T_T …
I agree. This popular race needs even more flavor.
So BBQ, honey BBQ, hot sauce? What kind of flavor should we cook them in?
Yep 3 weeks and I’m still missing the Holy Relic lol
4th week… nothing -_-
I just found the Holy Relic!
I’ve gotten every extra trick and can confirm all the locations on the list are correct!
There’s Benedictus from Hour of Twilight.
I’ve found all the drops and updated the list, this confirms all of them.
The Holy Relic drops from M’uru/Entropius, Sunwell Plateau
The racial ability scales with your spell power/attack power. The higher your item level, the stronger it will become. My recently max leveled vulp priest’s racial hits for at least double what my strongest spells are hitting for. Read the tooltip!