After completing this quest the Recall Lisky button persists for me and another person and persists through log-out, zone change etc. There is not item in my bags to dispose of.
I also have this action button stuck and can’t get rid of it.
Also have the same thing happening to me. Very annoying that it isn’t going away and can’t even drag it to my hotbar as a temporary measure of moving it off the screen. Please fix.
yep, same. makes it hard or impossible to do some other quests that use that same button
Same issue here. Tried relogging, zoning out, and yes it is overwriting other quest spells.
I was able to remove the spell by dying. Just fell to my death. It’s a lame fix, but it works.
I also have this problem now
Dying was the only way to fix it. I even restarted the game completely. Thank you so much for the fix
I am also being affected by this. Attempted multiple /reload ui’s and even attempted to nuclear option of completely logging off, quitting the game, restarting it and logging back in to no avail.
Can confirm the stupidity of killing yourself does remove this. So stupid that this is what we have to resort to.
Had the same issue. Even got rid of every quest in my log to no avail. BUT dying fixed it for me.
Can confirm, dying also worked for me to resolve.
Thank you. Irritating fix, but a fix nevertheless.
Same - whistle stuck on screen after quest completion
Same issue, dying fixed it.
Can’t get the stupid Lisky to follow out of cave to complete quest lol. Keeps wandering off doing it’s own thing.
Confirmed Works, had the whistle stuck, did the ol dismount really high, whistle gone
Thank you for saving me from myself. The whistle was very annoying, but I couldn’t stop myself from pressing the button…uniquely frustrating in game problem. Off to go kill myself (in game), thanks!
Still bugged.
Still bugged after reset.
Cant do the heroic dungeon where you have to pick up the barrels as this whistle is taking up the slot…
And yep - dying fixed it
Been stuck for me for about 4 days now. Put in a ticket and support told me it was my addons. I disabled my addons and recreated my cache logs and wtf folders. Still happening and now I have to reset up my add ons. Told support its still happening. No response yet.
The button is stuck on this char after the quest too. It’s driving me nuts.