Lirath Windrunner

Just what the story needs…more windrunners

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Well yeah, so they should just do it with the numerous prominent characters in the story with personal relationships to Sylvanas. There’s no need to pull Lirath from obscurity just to facilitate it.

-Literally any of the Forsaken

To suddenly decided to rope Lirath into the story is unneeded because all of his functions can be performed by any of the characters I just listed.

Tbh, I won’t say no to that so long as the Orc side is more prevalent.

Sylvanas’ relationship to Alleria, Vereesa, Nathanos, etc… basically everyone you’ve listed, has been set in stone. She’s met them all, interacted with them all, reacted to them all, since becoming the Banshee Queen.

Not Lirath. Lirath could be the first dead member of her family she would encounter, providing a brand new perspective and outlet. Like I said early on into this thread, seeing how death has treated Lirath could even provide a brand new scope of insight to her actions.


Not really. Since all of those named characters have all been burned by Sylvanas. The last chance any of the them had was wasted with Alleria.
Lirath is a chance for one last time for a character who still remembers Sylvanas as who she use to be instead of the monster she’s become.

BUT, I will agree that Lirath doesn’t actually need to be introduced to the cast to be used just as effectively. He can be brought up in Sylvanas’ reminiscing or maybe found to have been in the Shadowlands and some momento is found that affects the storyline. We do know that the dead have left behind such momentos, as we have found them in each covenant.