Lirath Windrunner

So long as everyone who bears the name Windrunner is dead I’ll be happy.

Only way to be sure that the Banshee Queen will never return.

I can’t see Lirath having ever been sinful enough to wind up in Revendreth. Admittedly we have almost no lore about him, but for the most part the impression that I’ve always gotten was that he was a carefree younger brother of a powerful family. He loved his family. He had a talent or interest in music.

As for his soul wandering the Ghostlands, I don’t think that’s likely. Aren’t those ghosts the result of the Scourge’s assault on Quel’Thalas? Lirath died in the Second War when the Horde invaded, along with most of the rest of the Windrunners.

Either way I do consider it something of a shame we haven’t seen him yet. Certain characters were written just to die, but had fairly impactful influence on other characters who survived. These characters like Lirath, Eimear, Tiffin, and Sen’jin should all be featuring strongly in Shadowlands. Draka is a step in the right direction, and I think people have warmed up to her even though she isn’t in the same league as Kael’thas or Uther.


Dear lord, that’d be a hell of a cinematic. Especially if Sylvanas doesn’t recognize him until he starts strumming Lament of the Highborne.


Agreed. It’s why I’m a little annoyed we didn’t see Lirath in Bastion. Then again, we never really saw much from him suggesting he was particularly duty-driven or self-sacrificing. It would’ve been interesting if we were able to relive his memories and see how he was. Perhaps in his last moments he was trying to help civilians escape the assault which killed him. It could’ve been made apparent that while little was expected of him being the youngest of the Windrunner progeny, he always felt it was his duty to serve his people. Its probably about the best we could hope for, really.

I suppose its possible we could still get a cinematic like this in the future. Perhaps Alleria or Vereesa come to the Shadowlands and find Lirath, but I think it would’ve been far more poignant if we got to see Sylvanas finding him instead. Vereesa might weep for him, Alleria might decide to accept it as it is and focus on her still living family, but Sylvanas? For Sylvanas, her living family doesn’t accept her. She could only ever hope to find love and acceptance among the dead, but to finally find one and he cannot even remember her… Well, I could see her clenching her fist and deciding that the Shadowlands needs to be torn down.


Before we knew more about Shadowlands, I had a fan idea for something like that with Mankrik and his wife. He’d end up in Bastion, get brain-drained and end up working alongside her forever, but neither of them remembering or recognizing who the other person used to be. The covenants all initially had a really big creep factor to me and I was expecting the expansion to be more like that.


I tried hunting several notable kyrian and came short with Thales being an odd candidate. Though i’m not sure how a blind character might work in a Sylvanas encounter.

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Which stealth animation is that? I know all the covenant NPCs use skeletons from playable races because lmao effort. But I can’t tell who that is.

  1. Lirath is dead
  2. We don’t need anymore goddamm elf characters
  3. We don’t meed anymore goddam Windrunners

idk if you noticed, but we’ve been hanging out with a cast comprised almost entirely of dead people. I don’t think it’s a problem either in or out of Shadowlands however, with how flippant story devs are about people staying dead.


Water is wet.

We don’t need anymore characters period. The existing cast is plenty big.

Good thing Lirath wasn’t invented just for the sake of Shadowlands and has actually existed for ages and ages.


I’ve noticed, there’s just no reason to introduce this extra, unnecessary character when there’s already multiple other Windrunner siblings in need of attention anyways.

Air is arid.

Anything else I need to know, guy?

The Alliance elf cast is pretty big, yeah. Same can’t be said for others.

He existed to die and be a throwaway character. He fulfilled his insignificant purpose and we still got 3 Windrunner sisters all of which whom are constant presences in the narrative.

You don’t strike me as the sort who wants them to have more attention.

Well let’s see… there’s… Alleria, Vereesa, Umbric, Tyrande, Malfurion, Maeiv, Shandris… and over on the Horde you’ve got Lor’themar, Liadrin, Rommath, Halduron, Aethas, Thalyssra, Occuleth, and Valtrois…

7 Alliance Elves, 8 Horde Elves. Note, I didn’t count Sylvanas in there either. Or any of the other undead elves (not that any really would get on that list anyways, they’re a little too minor).

For the purpose of the emotional effect on his sisters, and hey, why not have his afterlife have an emotional effect on them as well? Or heck, just let him be his own character. He wouldn’t even be an elf anymore if he ended up in Bastion.


No. But I wouldn’t it put it above her to still have a shred of sentimentality and Anduin reminds her of him.

That might actually be kind of cute, in a Sociopathic way…

  1. We don’t need anymore goddam Humans.
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Kyrian use the female vrykul animation rig.

As for who, Thales is the Kryian npc we save from disecention during our journey to stop the house of constructs’ attack toward the house of the chosen. The mad surgeons took his eyes for the construction of a powerful Kyrian Abomination.

I also hope that Lirath will eventually comeback. But should he be more closer with Alleria than Sylvanas? I mean he was solely the reason that Alleria went rampant across Azeroth in Warcraft 2.

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I think that would be kind of sweet. I would dig it. Like maybe she always saw Lirath as her baby brother who never got a chance, and Anduin brings those emotions out.

Sort of reminds me of a scene in Kill Bill 1, in the House of Blue Leaves, where The Bride is killing people and chopping off limbs. She sees a young boy and instead of slicing him apart, she just spanks him with her sword. A sort of maternal gesture to her humanity amidst the chaos.

Hm. Sort of unrelated, but that brings to mind Odyn’s deal with Muehzala. I wonder if we will face some sort of creature in the Shadowlands bearing Odyn’s eye.


I doubt Lirath had a favorite sister, and being dead, I can’t imagine Sylvanas being undead would make him shy away from her or anything.

If you’re asking, “would Lirath have a stronger emotional affect on Alleria than Sylvanas,” I’d argue that’s hard to say. On the one hand, being undead affects how one experiences emotions. On the other, we know Sylvanas does have that deep desire to connect with her family (from War Crimes) so the idea of her little brother, also being dead, might be the most appealing opportunity for that.

If Alleria meets Lirath again, I imagine she’ll experience a massive surge of guilt, as that always seems to have been (between the lines) her feeling towards the death of her family in Quel’Thalas, that she hadn’t been there for them in their time of need. It could be a way for her to resolve that hangup, although as I’m sure some people would hate, I could see it being part and parcel of a character development arc where she stops hating the Horde and starts forgiving them. I think we had a taste of something like that in Shadow’s Rising; she thought she would have no regrets for basically torturing that Orc mother, but she still did. When that mother’s son tried to attack her and Turalyon she’d disarmed him and warned him about the dangers of war. It felt as though the writers were developing her to see Orcs less as monsters and more as people.

You presume correctly. We’ve been stuck in a Sylvanas driven meta-narrative for long enough, the last thing we need is to inject yet another Windrunner into the story to put additional time and effort into focusing on then even more.

My mistake, there are just too many dam elf characters in general it seems. Half of which get far too much attention while the other half is in desperate need already without more being thrown into the mix.

Cuz there’s already characters for each and every one of them who already fulfill that niche. Why even bother throwing another one into the mix who has already been long neglected.

He’s not going to be his own character in an expansion in which his sister is literally a main antagonist. Plot device at best, shock-value casualty to show how evil Sylvanas has become at worst.

Best to not bother with him at all.

So what would even be the point of including him then? They may as well go with someone else of that’s the case. Anasterian Sunstrider, Belo’vir, Kurtalos Ravencrest. There are many MANY other more significant elves to choose from who’d definitely go to Bastion. Lirath would just be a waste of a character slot that would better suit other far more pronounced characters in the lore and the only reason to do it would be because they need to drun up more Windrunner drama between Sylvanas and her sisters.

Well, you KNOW they’re going to do that anyway. So they might as well do it in a more interesting way then what they did in the book.