Linux users unable to log in, WOW51900328/329 error after logging in

If this is true (I’ll be home within an hour to check it out) - awesome team work! Thank you all for contributing and posting the results.

Omg, where were you 20 hours ago!

j/k, but as of today after work, I was able to log in with no issues. My problem seems to have been resolved as well without any action on my end. Thank goodness, I’d really prefer not to go back to Windows and actually paying for software that breaks frequently and almost always in new and interesting ways…

(Manjaro, Grande Communcations, Wine-staging 4.15-1)

Nope still an issue.

But on a side note I can add an extra bit to 64 and make it 72 for the TTL and it works fine.

Huh. I just tried logging into a US server and indeed I still cannot connect. Oceanic servers seem to work, however. Maybe the fix(?) hasn’t rolled out to all regions yet.

As DDOS mitigation goes, TTL fingerprinting is pretty crude and unreliable. It’s sad that’s the best they think they can do, and it’s even more disappointing that they consider the Linux user community to be acceptable collateral damage.

However, they’re shot themselves in the foot with another group of users, this one fully and officially supported: users of the Mobile App. Android is based on a Linux kernel, so fingerprints the same as your systems. I “fixed” the mobile app on my rooted Nexus 6p by setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl to 128 as well.


Aha, so it would seem my untangle is to blame. Well, I can’t change the ttl on that, it’s managed by the building and not me. So I guess I just can’t play until blizz stops blocking it. Ugh…

Thank you very much, this worked

Funny,I am Windows 10 64 bit, Spectrum ISP Saint Louis, MO. 3 in the house hold here cant play. All other blizzard services work. I am using a Untangle Router that is running a version linux but why should that matter. Its no the os i am running.

Same problem here with an Untangle firewall… Still trying to fix it but no success until now.


For everyone suffering with Untangle Firewall now, just access your firewall → Configuration → Network → Bypass Rule and create a new rule with the following parameters:

Destination Port => 3274,1119,6012 | Protocol: TCP, UDP;
Mark the rule as enable and VOILA!

Been struggling with this since the DDoS attack on saturday. For some reason, after the attacks, we have to force our firewall to bypass those rules as mentioned on this blizzard article.

Hope it helps!

Bow to the OP Dwarf priest! Much love!

Can anyone from Blizz give us some insight on this issue so we don’t have to figure a work around?

I know you can see the thread here about Linux users. Can we get some type of support? Or at least something. This affects android phones too as they run a Linux kernel.

Hello, linux users that cannot login.
I fixed the problem on my computer by running
echo 128 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
as root.
you can also run
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128
this fixed the problem for me on NixOS staging

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This fixed the problem for me on Classic. But for retail something else seems messed up, I can log in and hear my character and wow sounds, but the game window shows a frozen login screen.

This worked for me last night. Had issues again today, ran it again and it worked instantly. Must have reset or something when I rebooted. Thanks again.

This worked for me. Ubuntu 18.04 and Wine Staging.

@Blizzard – you make me sad.


I wanted to make sure you all knew we are investigating these connection issues. I do not have any additional information to provide at this time. Just know we are on it.

Thank you.


Thank you @Zuvykree. This will be of great relief to many of us across multiple operating systems and WAN access devices. I know myself and many of the people involved in this effort have been hopping forum to forum to assist people with thier accounts. An official fix or at least position for it would be detrimental to a permanent solution, whether community supplied or developer supplied.

Thanks again to everyone who has assisted in these efforts!

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