Linux users unable to log in, WOW51900328/329 error after logging in

Bloodsail RP server
Pop OS
Comcast isp

Same. Fedora 29, wow51900328 after realm selection.

Same problems here. It was just fine last night.

Ubuntu 19.04 / Lutris

This really, really sucks.

Same here.

OS: Manjaro & Antergos
Wine: Lutris / Wine tkg-4.0
ISP: Hood Canal Communications (cable broadband)

Wife and I cannot login to world servers. All my rigs run Linux. Being a software engineer and security guy means Windows will never be an option so I can’t test that, but I’ll take the reports of all the other users who’ve tried at face value.

I really do understand how incredibly difficult it can be to mitigate DDoS attacks, so I haven’t blamed Blizz for that at all; that falls on the shoulders of a dumb kid who will likely [hopefully] end up in prison. However, if Blizz is blocking TLS headers from the libraries that literally run the entire world/internet, that would be an insane “solution”, and one they (or their hosting partners) should be held severely accountable for.

on a personal level…

I dont know if I can express how excited I have been to play Classic. I got my names within the first 10 seconds of name reservations going live. I was one of the very first people on my realm. My wife and I took a weeks vacation for launch and I prepped a weeks worth of meals in advance. We were prepared ; )

I’ve been racing to hit 60 and in the top 1% on my realm. Was on track to hit 60 this weekend but I’ve hardly been able to play. If this were affecting everyone equally I’d be okay with it, but it’s heartbreaking for me to see all the people I’ve slept for 2 hours a day to stay ahead of blow past me at the finish line.

Maybe not everyone feels me on that, but that’s how I was enjoying my game the most. My realm has been on high pop for two days and I’ve only been able to intermittently log in. I feel like we’ve lost something we can never get back. feelsbadman.png


So I downloaded BattleNet, and Classic WoW on my Windows 10 Laptop. Works instantly. Still get the same error via pop_OS. As a side note, I can view realm list on classic, but I never make it that far into retail on Linux. So it appears there is an issue with Linux OS’s being blocked. Same network, and same layer 1 medium (ethernet).

HERES MY LAST UPDATE FOR TONIGHT…I’m tired, I need sleep…and I’m far to drunk to keep picking apart Wireshark logs…

I’m the guy doing alot of the network testing on the large thread thread, and via a private subreddit and classic wow reddit. I have compiled alot of Wireshark logs now and have been working on spinning up a private VPN on a VPS server to try header stripping. So far via logs, dumps, traceroutes, and other data I’ve compiled from other linux users (I still haven’t found someone on Windows with the tech knowledge to also give me data) its pointing one way.

There’s 3 issues here at play:

1.) From all 400ish posts on the large thread, by and large Comcast (Xfinity), AT&T, and Verizon are the top effect ISPs (top 3 ISPs in the USA) and may be a blanket blocklist.

2.) Its effecting IPv4 … the Success reports from IPv6 are likely from the ISPs that support IPv6 to home. Just because your local network, and router/modem can, doesn’t mean the ISP is giving IPv6 to the modem (Comcast in most regions DO NOT support ipv6 at this time). This means the blackhole list was likely from DDoS mitigation effort and the botnet does not have IPv6 ability.

3.) The Linux “issue” - So a detailed scan of connection and deep packet inspection revealed what was happening at the cable level. The servers have a process Log in server > Realm List > Handoff to Game Server. As the client hands off to the game server the packets drop, or in technical terms…it creates a secure connection called a TLS stream (encrypted secure TCP connection) it enters a black hole…the game will send “hello” packets and ACK (confirm the server got the packet) and when it comes time for the server to comptele the connection (a handshake and SYN packets) it just doesn’t respond.

We can draw some conclusions from this…the active issue, see all 3 above, is not because of an active DDoS. A DDoS just floods a server with so much BS data it cant respond … we know it’s not because we do get wire level responses with the TLS data stream… it gets blocked half way through the line.

This means is either… A. A blocklist B. Network Switch level deep packet inspection and rejection or C. A firewall type block preventing connection to the servers.

Thats just the explanation we have at this moment. (current best theory). Point is, someone screwed up, big time. ISP blocklists, OS blocklists, and possible network level filtering that was over kill and has #%##@ over paying customers. I’m on Linux, I’m seriously effected…and considering just cancelling and saying hell with it.

But bottom line…we, the players aren’t gonna be able to clean this mess up. This is Blizzard’s problem … Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I wish I could fix your issue, and mine…no if you’ll excuse me I need sleep and i’ll continue looking into this tomorrow… G’Night All and Good Luck!


Wine-staging 4.15-1
Grande Communications

My fiance uses Arch and somehow he’s able to log in. Hate that nerd sometimes. Guess I need to enable IPv6 on the router end of things, since I have it enabled on my connection but this has accomplished nothing. (note: don’t live in same house as fiance yet)

Error: WOW51900328 & WOW51900329 on both IPv4 and IPv6
Realm: Yojamba
ISP: Aussie Broadband (AS4764)
OS: Arch Linux
Kernel: 5.2.13-arch1-1-ARCH
lutris 0.5.3-1
wine-staging 4.15-1
gnutls 3.6.9-1

this guy networks like a boss, and thank you!

5.2.5-arch1-1-ARCH Arch Linux
Compiled Wine 4.11 and 4.11-staging

Another linux user.
Kubuntu 19.04
Lutris with wine-4.15 (Staging)

True Internet

Also Linux user here, can’t login (WOW51900328).

This is due to Blizzard blacklisting packets generated by gnutls.

Many Linux programs use gnutls to establish TLS encrypted connections (e.g. HTTPS in web browsers).

Wine also uses gnutls for TLS connections. I only see a few possible solutions:

  • A programmer releases patches to modify gnutls to match Windows’ behavior
  • Somehow use native Windows dll files for TLS and actually have it work
  • Wait for Blizzard to fix this (Pretty worried that they won’t, we need Linux users to be very vocal about this)

Yes Mint user here.

Fully updated.

Down ATM to Blizzard “seems to” have blanket dropped all Linux packets to their DDoS mitigation services.

IPv6 is a possible work around.

Hopefully I can play tonight Q.Q

Just gonna add to the list, Arch Linux user and I can’t connect. I’ll try ipv6 and if it works I’ll update this

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On Manjaro, getting the same WOW51900328 error.

IPv6 seemed to have fixed the issue for me, although I know many people cannot use it.

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Thank you for this post, IPv6 fixed it for me too. I also use Arch btw.

Another linux user.
Mint 19.2
Lutris with wine

Can log in on crappy Windows laptop without issue. Can play other games only issue seems to be WoW

Same issue on POP_os, unable to login for last 5 hours and seems like I wont be able to play today at all.
This is a third time Im unable to play since the start of classic.

Looks like back to EVE for me.

Same here, fully up to date Manjaro.

I have had some limited success. By forcing IPv6 (both in client, and through my network settings) I can log into a US realm. Unfortunately, my characters are on Oceanic, and no such luck there, but I’m still trying other configurations.

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