Linux support for wow

I think chris is fair goes over pros and cons…

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Not actually true, the DX11 backend is multithreaded too. It’s just not as multithreaded as the DX12. This is an issue that OpenGL can’t solve in current form and Vulkan can… but vulkan support in drivers is… interesting at the moment.

This… a thousand times this. Non-blizz developer here. Linux is actually a royal pain to support for generic non-open source packages. You have to deal with the fact that the toolchain is woefully inconsistent. Patch distribution is… yeah completely all over the board. Users still expect things to “Just Work” even though they are on Gentoo with a completely absurd kernel config and default compile options that break bin compat. This goes on for awhile. Generally speaking when developing for linux you choose A distro and A version of that distro to support; anything else is madness.

This is why Blizz has generally taken the “If you want to we won’t penalize you” attitude towards linux. But they won’t support it either.

Driver support is absolute garbage on Linux in general particularly for higher end more modern hardware, if you want anything even slightly outside of the norm that the linux kernel team is using… good luck.

In my experience outside of the Debian and RHEL silos that sort of update issue is actually insanely common. Try running Arch or Gentoo for a month. MS has to support more configurations at their own cost than any other vendor on the planet, I’m willing to give them a little slack on that.

True, there is still a binary firmware blob unfortunately. That will never ever change sadly there are posts on Reddit from AMD driver team folks explaining the “whys”.

Unlikely, the main group of windows 7 users aren’t super technical, some may switch to ubunto or manjaro… but I’d say the vast majority will just keep running Win7 without updates until they buy new hardware.

Linux has bricked hardware to the point it takes a JTAG to revive it… that’s not exclusive to Windows. If anything it’s worse on Linux because you don’t get a warning from the OS that your BIOS is incompatible via a bluescreen… you just boot once, and then never again. My point being that it doesn’t matter who your vendor is, bad things can happen. Deleted files can be recovered, JTAG recovery is a LOT harder.

Not actually required on most distros anymore.

I do run Arch…Manjaro. I have had zero issues on updates. The only issue that I have had is when the new patch came out and slowed down fps pretty bad. That same day Wine released a patch themselves that fixed it.

Key word was “some” i did not say most or all

And I gave a qualified response :wink:

Knock on wood…I have never had this problem on Linux since I started using it years ago. But yes, you are correct. Anything can happen on ANY OS.

To be fair to the kernel team… it has almost always been bad BIOS on the item in question but the attitude of “Eh, just keep going” has bothered me a bit. I think this is one area where MS/BSD’s attitude of NOPE is better because it forces the vendor to fix their stuff.

I can honestly say i have had less fubar moments on linux then windows…

I dual boot there is some programs like Adobe i have ro use that there is no good linux alternative…been using linux for 10 years…

Let me be more specific. Multuple CPU core threading in WoW specifically seems to be supported in DX12 but not DX 11. Switch from 12 to 11 in Windows and you lose framerates most of the time (not always, depends on just how fast that 1 core is and how many graphical settings you cranked to max and the resolution you’re running).

It really all boils down to user preference on Linux or Windows. Its like I drive a Ford and refuse to own a Chevy. Everyone has different opinions on whats better, etc. Its no different on what OS out shines the other.

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I was inspired by this thread last night to try Linux and WoW. I’m a pretty tech savy guy and used redhat and open suse for work back in the day. So I took the plunge.

I repartitioned my hard drive and installed Linux Mint without issue for dual booting. Install was fast and flawless.

I downloaded this Lutris thing. When opening it I got all kinds of errors about unsupported video card drivers, missing libraries and dependencies. The first step was to download the apropriate video drivers.

So I downloaded a file from nvidia in the .run format. I then had to learn how to run a run file (lol?) which gave me errors about missing dependincies and running an X server. So then I learned how to disable an X server by pressing control alt F1 and entering some commands. Then I couldn’t get out of that command prompt.

To hell with this. Anyone saying Linux is now user friendly or easy to use and setup easily either vastly underestimates their own personal computer abilities and knowledge, vastly overestimates everyone elses, is lying, or a combination of those three.

Today I’m back to Windows 10 and installing programs with a double click instead of feeling like im trying to pull Neo out of the Matrix.

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Driving a Ford vs driving a Chevy is more like comparing Windows to Mac Os.

Windows to Linux is like comparing driving a ford to operating a space shuttle.

If you would of went to the Lutris site and looked at WOW it gives you a list of the required dependencies. Thats why you have errors. You didn’t install them. Thats user error, not Linux. It takes about 20-30 total minutes for me to do a fresh install of Manjaro, and get WOW running.

I’m really hoping your referring Linux as the Space Shuttle. Cause thats one thing Windows is NOT.

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Not only that, but you’ve got a ton of different versions at play too. Everything from the oldest supported Ubuntu LTS release to bleeding edge rolling release Arch. It’s permutations on permutations on permutations.

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Full list of Linux distros. All set by rank in popularity. See the right hand column on the web page. If you click on one it will tell you all about the distro…scroll to the bottom and gives you a user rating.

AND, its all FREE

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was trying Lutris that is really cool i could only get things working right in pop os for me im not the most linux savvy person but i got wow working perfectly in pop os with Lutris and was shocked!

Look at the tech forum, for mostly the Native operating system of this game.

Tell me again?

I honestly spend less time installing/updating Opensuse Linux, while also getting Wow and FFXIV to run, than some people there do trying to run Wow in the native operating system for it.

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Never had a problem with Windows. It is a perfect operating system.

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I’d like to +1 Lutris, got Wow running on Antergos (Arch) and it runs almost identically to how it does on Windows for me, so amazing! The new Steam Proton works well for steam games as well. Here is a link again:

https :// lutris. net/games/world-of-warcraft/

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