Linux support for wow

linux the free open os any chance of this ever happening gaming on this os has come a long way and even steam supports many games with linux nowadays
would be nice if blizzard started supporting this os


People have been asking this for 15 years now. If they haven’t done it by now, they never will. There just isn’t a big enough install base and there are already easily available work arounds to run windows programs on linux.

Blizz really doesn’t have any incentive to spend the money on development and upkeep of a linux version.


Its called Wine.


I thought Linux was only an OS for supercomputers.

Wine will get you a half working game at best

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I can’t speek to WoW specificly, but plenty of AAA run perfectly on wine, including Doom and Shadow of the Tombraider.

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it’s just an open os and thanks to community support it’s a good alternative

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I would bet my car that this will never happen. Not this late into the game. Maybe back in 05 or 06 they might have. Back then they had a working internal Linux client. But they haven’t messed with that in probably a decade.

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Did you write this post on an Apple Watch?

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wrote this on my self made linux Watch!

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Heh, been playing with Wine, under Linux, since the Burning Crusade expansion (when I deleted my windows partition.)

So… no…

Currently doing great with the stock wine-staging under opensuse 15.0.

I did get more FPS when you could use wine with opengl, which they broke with the prepatch stuff before BFA (if I remember correctly.) But it is certainly playable, even on my built computer which is several years old.

Also, lots of people play the game under linux. I know this due to the posts I see here, after a patch that might break it until we work around it, and from

I don’t do any of the wacky stuff those guys do, like Lutris, vkd3d whatever or vulcan. I just use OpenSuse 15.0, stock wine-staging from the wine repository, nvidia opensuse drivers updated from the nvidia repository (418.56), Direct X 11 Legacy (as some people say, after an update regular dx 11 went to only a few FPS.)

I play ffxiv the same way.

My winecfg is set for “windows 10.” I’m always curious as to whether that is what they see at Blizzard, or if it reports that I’m using Linux.


If you want to spend more time tinkering with your computer than using it to just get stuff done, go Linux. If you’re okay with leaving engineering to engineers, stick with Windows or MacOS.

And yes, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s a good short form for those who would need professional assistance to install either Linux or the others.

If this didn’t happen when they had 12 million players (or whatever), it’s not gonna happen now.

Woulda been cool though!

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You have never played under wine guaranteed.


I mean, it took years of pleading to get Classic servers, maybe Linux support will show up in 2021?


The changes to the launcher have made getting Wow to run correctly difficult. Usually I can’t sign into the launcher to even try and play. It used to run well in opengl mode though. I don’t think it would be that difficult for them to do a Linux version since they already have a Mac version, but they don’t really have an incentive to do so.

Which version of linux. The first fun question. Since RH, Untuntu, Etc like to mix it up here. Can’t use the same exact directory structure as Ubuntu does now for this thing says RH. That would make life easy.

See Mac OS gets the hookup for a few reasons. We apple users are force fed change. Blizzard, CCP games, others who support mac get the easy out. They don’t have to support more than 2/3 versions of mac os.

Apple kills support after 2/3 releases usually. Means the game makers can say well…mac users we only support 2 releases. You know…like apple does.

Why I finally updated to mojave. This year after dev conference I am sure the oldest os supported will be taken off life support to die. Would have had my prior OS level closer to its death day.

Linux…is a free for all. RH, Ubuntu, Gentoo dorks…ready…FIGHT! And thus start tech wars over whose is best. With the BSD people on the side going hahahaha…posers.

No personal attacks meant here. I have touched all this too. Linux (many flavors)/BDS/Unix (HP, Solaris, etc) can spark up flame wars fast AF really.

you can use Wine, or two VGA with windows, i used that method, i ran Linux as my SO, but have a QEMU Windows machine with a dedicated VGA to Run games that dont support Linux.

Using Synergy and Two monitor it looks like a second desktop in your linux .

OP, as a Linux user, you should enjoy tinkering to get stuff to work properly. If anything, you should be thankful that WoW doesn’t natively support Linux and it’s bazillion different distro’s as that lets you tinker even more to get it to work!

A match made in heaven really.