When a daddy old god and another daddy old god and another daddy old and ANOTHER daddy old god hate each other and everything else vereeeeryyyy much
Haven’t like all the past server RP events usually gone laughably bad and caused lots of drama? I have some vague memories of the whole Garrosh loyalists thing and the trials.
Idk about horde ones but the alliance ones havent been bad. The lore and rp have always been good. The leadership was hard to work with at times but usually its because they cared too much.
Don’t make a cat joke
Don’t make a cat joke
Don’t make a cat joke
I think it’s because they’re not intrusive.
Like the Scourge invasion event took place all over the game, normally in places not heavily filled with role players. So you didn’t have to worry about a buncha zombie killers showing up on your back yard BBQ RP session and making a mess of things.
It was also a generally accepted theme, scourge invasion during shadowlands? Yah that sounds legit instead of like idk and raptors from the moon space invasion event.
I think that’s what set them apart. If you didn’t want to be in the scourge event and you RPd out separately you single handily defeated the scourge during pre patch, the scourge event didn’t invaelidate your character
Blizz just needs to get rid of the Realm names period tbh.
Should have an option to be on RP or PVE, and our names are just unique marked by the account that owns, or like an identifying number idk.
With the way realms and the sharding and lfg and phasing etc etc etc, the current system does nothing but cause goofy meaningless restrictions. Like trading, joining guilds, etc.
Now, the Kor’kron Trials are a part of server lore, but arguably for the wrong reasons.
A subset of Orcs RP’d as Kor’kron Loyalists eager to serve Garrosh during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. They were quick to abuse their power–bullying others, godmodding, assuming control and inserting themselves into everyone else’s RP. People were upset at their RP being uprooted so much (and all the abuse the Loyalists were doing while this all happened), but were placated with promises that the Loyalists would be held accountable in an RP event called the Kor’kron Trials.
It was an absolute cluster-eff. Most of the offenders simply decided not to participate–either by changing their characters or simply deciding to ignore it. One of the biggest offenders simply decided to find himself not guilty and promptly decided that Kor’kron RP was stupid and he wasn’t going to do it anymore (after stalking, harassing and verbally abusing people for about two years).
Hundreds of people were left embittered, annoyed and distrustful and Orc RP’s reputation never fully recovered.
Just trying to understand this issue more. I did play at the time but mostly Alliance, so outside of the odd walk up RP i didn’t have much to do with the Kor’krok RP era. But why was it an issue that people stopped playing their Kor’kron characters? I mean presumably many died during the Siege.
I mean it sucks big time that they behaved so badly, clearly taking IC into OOC and exhibiting generally awful behaviour. But in isolation wouldn’t it make sense to stop playing them? Even if convicted they’re likely in prison for the next ever
It was a big issue simply because that was the refrain that the Kor’kron RPers gave whenever their RP affected someone else badly. If people complained that Kor’kron trampled on their RP or godmodded or abused them, it would always be met with “I know it’s bad right now but when Garrosh falls, there’s going to be so many due punishments, just be patient.”
Then when the time came to actually face the consequences they promised they would, they said “lmao no” and just queued up for dungeons.
But then, we were the gullible dopes that believed them, so who’s really at fault.
Pretty sure I know who this is and I was never an avid RPer.
I don’t think the kor’kron trials had any lasting effect on roleplay, at least not after a decade?
orc roleplay sucks now but for other reasons
my only problem with orc rp is the weird random death threats my gay orcs get from other orcs.
no wonder they’d rather have elf partners.
Why on Azeroth would Orcs be homophobic anyway? I wouldn’t think they would care who zugs who.
because their players are bigots who think it adds to realism to call me transphobic and homophobic slurs and cry “oh it’s just IC” whenever anyone calls them on it.
I have been to the last 10 and they all seemed to go pretty well. shrugs
Unfortunately I experienced a fair bit of that from them as well. This character actually used to be Vulpera and after about the 10th IC death threat I started to get suspicious.
I think I’m the only one with positive memories of the siege and trials. I loved that period of time for RP.
The Kor’kron rpers who we are talking about made it so insufferable and gross that til this day people complain about it. There are people who straight up deleted characters and transferred servers because being a korkron RPer was made such a taboo for so long because of it. It might not matter any more but back then people avoided them like the plague because it was so bad. There was LOT of nz themes with the worst of them, who were a few small in number but enough that people were scared to RP them
I get the sentiment but just the ability to say transparently “I’m having an event at the pig and whistle, come meet me there”, go there, and actually encounter the person you expect to encounter is really valuable. Cities on RP servers are unfortunately the only place where this unexpectedly rare feature still exists, since they’re unsharded. If you merge all servers by type and deal with population load with sharding, you lose that.
That said, just making shards transparent could solve this too… if I could manually see shards, see “ok, stormwind 1 has reached its pop cap of 300, I’ll go to Stormwind 2 since it has 200 people at least”, that feels a lot better than just being randomly shafted to Stormwind 17 with 2 other people. You could even intentionally select low pop shards in normally busy areas if you really want to have a relatively private event in the valley of honor or w/e.
I don’t remember having negative experiences with Kor’kron RPers but now I realize Cataclysm was the era I took my first extended hiatus from Azeroth as well as being the last time I was ever a serious Horde player. When I returned at the end of MoP, I switched over to the Alliance and have been here (Specifically on this Hunter who eventually became the Blue Side version of my old Horde toon) ever since.
Makes me wonder if I’m not suppressing some stuff, honestly. I do remember the Kor’kron crew being insufferable to anyone who dared play an Elf on their monster faction.
Yeah I’m familiar with the period and remember a lot of the players. I heard of the abuse and some threats, but never experienced it personally. It’s unfortunate that some people took it too far, but the environment was one that created good RP. I have friendships I still cherish with people who I met during those times, and I consider that era one of the defining moments of my RP career.