Limits on Elf magic?

One of the basis for this question is the reference to the Moon Guard i mentioned in another post. According to facts regarding the Moon Guard, the server name is based off the organization which even though it wasn’t released until Legion, has existed in lore but likely a hidden idea or scripted plan. Every server name comes from a character /place /other in the wow universe.

I believe this still renders it a faction, crippled as they are according to lore, of kaldorei mages with enough resources, a power source if you recall the coils and arcane sanctum, and a building/stronghold that predates even Queen Aszhara.

Had they not been caught off guard by the contingency of Nightborne soldiers who invaded without cause they may have been able to resist to some degree. Like a family member you haven’t seen in 20 years coming back to rob you.

But this is just my opinion. At this point it makes Moon Guard Stronghold the only remaining suitable bastion for mages, since Dalaran is toast, unless you count the archives within Valdrakken for the Blue dragonflight.

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