Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

So why get us all amped up about fleeing from the busted pvp servers and not actually open the transfers up or give any other info/ timeline of when we can transfer???


that actually makes me feel better :slight_smile: I am living flame horde and have not seen the xfer option at all today

I’m furiously refreshing the Living Flame shop and will ping here when it’s up

Reading some of these responses was definitely good for a laugh, and for that, we at the academy thank you! People should do whatever they think will ultimately make the game more enjoyable for them. Afterall this is a game and some of you seem to be taking your shots for whatever reason at people that are choosing to do so. If you want to stay than stay. No reason for all the toilet seat criticism, it’s not a good look. I would argue though that the announcement isn’t very explicit. It’s kind of like the post was made via cell phone at a red light and the light turned green and this is all we got, now go figure it out.

Nah that just makes PvP servers really funny.

Transfers are up for Living Flame → Wild Growth

Live on Lone Wolf → Wild growth

hell yea all 8 toons OFF! hell yea

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The charge to WG has begun!

I’m curious how long they are going to be up for. I’m skeptical that faction balance is actually being watched with these transfers and that the more likely conclusion is that it will actually end up way more 1 sided and everyone else is going to be in skeram 2.0

Legit leaving work to go home to transfer real quick. Still open?

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Yep, still up

Yep got my 4 as well.

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“Error. Please address these issues: -Please clear the mail from this character’s mailbox”

Getting roadblocked by the mailbox, that is 100% empty. Would stink to not get that character transferred, as it’s my main. :frowning:

Sweet. Got my two horde from Lone Wolf and my Ally from Crusader Strike to Wild Growth. GG.

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Goodbye Lone Wolf, may you burn in hell


Great change devs!

Selective reading, their response to offer server xfers was a bad idea instead of addressing the issue at hand. You probably think to yourself and nobody is with you on your train of thought; ganking lowbies over and over isn’t fun, the only enjoyment you may derive from this behavior is the fact that the other player is losing no matter what, like burning ants with a lighter and said player will feel like, this game is full of bullies that go to the forums with frivolous replies filled with drivel. I have a feeling that you’re never surprised about anything after 5000+ posts in Blizzard forums. 5000? Seen much sunlight? Its free you know
 like the xfers off pvp servers in SoD.

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Welcome to WG team! Have fun!

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I’m pumped. I feel like it’s gonna have as much if not more raiding/dungeon/leveling content than Lone Wolf or CS. PLUS not 24/7 griefing on all layers bullcrap lol. Maybe I’ll see you around!

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