Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Where are you seeing this?

The way Blizzard is handling this is atrocious.


I was on right when the servers came live/ Lonewolf doesnt have xfer now at all as far as i can tell. Crusaderstrike seems unchanged, and my buddy who plays Living flame aly still says its up for him, however has yet to send a screenshot

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To not follow up on this is just a terrible look by the devs

All PvP servers will fail so long as layering exists


Ah, thank you.

they are letting living flame alliance xfer off? Those mfers are the ones making it so horde cant even play, and they are the ones they let leave? wtf

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I still havent fully confirmed it good friend plays aly paladin and said its option but failed ot provide Screenshots, looks like LF is now medium realm unlikely we get xfer.

If you really want retail that bad why bother?

So how is this going to work? Seems like only some servers have a faction that can transfer and the destination servers are limited (no Wild growth)?

Is it really going to require you having to be checking it every hour over the next week to see if your server lets your faction transfer to WG? And then make sure all of your guild is able to move over too?

If they’re leaving layers in the game (which they’ve never discussed removing) just open it all up. Trying for faction balance when one faction can stack a layer and outnumber the other 10-1 is a joke.

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why do you need confirmation that something hasn’t happened

This is the real issue. If layers aren’t going to be faction balanced, the game can’t be.


LEMME OUT MAN. cmon open this up

What server/faction you trying to escape
Im trying to get off Livingflame horde


Living flame (horde) is still not working. Kinda crazy that we just have to stay here on the login screen and hope

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All pvp servers will fail as long as there’s people not interested in pvp on them who are forced onto it because of their friends they play with.

There is a reason why pvp servers no longer exist… they always end up single faction because people rarely care about fair world pvp.


Just FYI, yes, you have been able to transfer from PvP to PvE servers in the past; the restriction was that you could not transfer back to PvP from PvE.

lone wolf ally->wild growth is where im going. i already rerolled there but i have 7 40s and 1 50 rotting on lone wolf currently

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are you me?!?!?

For the record, I’ve been checking every 5-10 mins as living flame alliance and have not been given the option to transfer. I don’t think it’s been up for us at all and it was just a troll trying to make us think it was there.

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