Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Because it’s trash.

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These devs are trying REALLY HARD to make the RP server rollers play with the CS streamer dodos, aren’t they?

ugh wtf, i see crusader strike server has the free character xfer, but not living flame?

please let us off living flame lol

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To my knowledge there have never been transfers from PvP > PvE servers before and with good reason. Your team is incapable of doing the job set before them and each choice made illustrates that further than the choice before…it’s actually impressive.

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“It’s just an experiment bro!”

Yes exactly, gonna be a blast.
but first, we need to purge the pansies.

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Because that is the obvious and easy solution. Instead they will randomly allow some lucky people to transfer, making a whole lot of other people upset.

I see Crusaderstrike allowing Horde and Aly transfers/ Lonewolf seems to be aly only and as far as i can tell Living flame is either aly or not at all.

Thank you for the option to transfer.

However, the way you’re offering the ability to transfer seems sub-optimal. You’ve got a bunch of new 20-man raid groups that formed for p3, and now you’re haphazardly opening and closing windows of transfer that may not allow full raid groups to move together.

If the reason for this is keep tight controls on faction balance, I would say that forced faction balance has only worked to show server-wide balance on paper. In reality, faction balance can be extremely (and I do mean that literally) skewed from layer to layer, which you know already. So why try to control these transfers so tightly?

We need defined windows, ahead of time, so guilds can make a decision and act accordingly.

Thank you.


Personally i dont see any harm in letting all PVE players leave the players who want pvp will remain and it will likely result in a more cohesive pvp experiance. Clearly the people leaving arent contributing to any form of challange for the pvp based players, it should work out for a better experiance overall. Remaining pvp players will offer more challange to pvp players, and pve players wont have to worry about dying to everything under the sun.

I agree with Vnd. Attempting to permit transfers while simultaneously enforcing faction balance will result in fractured guilds, broken friends groups, and dissatisfied customers. If you’re going to permit PvP to PvE then make it an option for all servers regardless of population size and faction balance.

Then evaluate merging Lone Wolf and Living Flame if the situation calls for it. Recall how the Grobbulus population affectionately labeled themselves “the Grob mob”? A single PvP server has worked before and it could work again.

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day 1000000 waiting for the free transfer option to be available

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I haven’t seen lone wolf offer transfers for ally at all today, same with living flame, so I assume it’s still only crusader strike.

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yes please!! we need that

can we at least get some confirmation transfers havent opened on living flame or lone wolf?

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Wrong, transfers are already open for Crusader Strike > Lava Lash.

You can test yourself. Make a character on Crusader Strike, then go to the “shop” in the bottom left. You’ll see the free transfer listed next to the paid ones. This is not listed on any other server, so once it’s available on your server/ faction, you’ll see it listed in that servers’ shop as well.

Please open up Living Flame


Yes, open it up for Horde please. Alliance can all stay here and rot, greifers.

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