Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Would of been nice to allow transfers to other pvp servers like Chaos Bolt for anybody on CS.

CS is too full and chaotic. But ya killed CB instead of locking CS (& forcing players to go to CB or other not so full servers) so… /shrug.

Interesting choice I guess. Will there be another PvE server if people are at work?

Also why not just clean up incursions and the camping zones?

It’s not just the incursions…

Just imagine how fun it will be to even get to Molten Core.

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Have free transfers begun yet? What realms can you transfer to?

So can the Devs please update what is going on with this? Its a big deal to a lot of players and guilds. It’s not fair to expect player to sit at a computer for days.


You got pvp and you have harassment.
It’s apparent that bullying is the only reason why some people play this game. P2 and P3 has shown the same thing, players found a way to grind levels incessantly fast and as soon as they hit max level they went straight to the lower leveling areas and grieved other players.
Not, going onto end game content; their intentions were to stifle and prevent others (opposite faction) from enjoying their wow experience. Deliberately, killing lowbies knowing the spirit resser was half a map away, killing them near spirit ressers giving them res timers, camping them (waiting for them to res and then re-kill them over and over). And to what end? Because they can and then roll out the cookie cut response,“It’s a pvp server, don’t like it? Move.” Well, guess what, they are. We are. And then you can enjoy a lopsided raid content competition with yourselves.
I can understand if someone is killed due to quest objective saturation, revenge and or boredom. There is no point in going into grey zones (no exp gained mobs and quests) and killing lower level players over and over.

Albeit, Blizzard’s response to this to allow players to server transfer may not be the best solution, cutting its nose off despite their face. It’s the only solution that will allow players (pvpers / pvers / Devs) to get out of a profoundly toxic game paradigm and into something else.
Go do endgame content if that’s not too challenging OR BG or Gank players at the end-stage of leveling.


Was excited to xfer off my server to find out that my server doesn’t get this service and i can’t leave without my guild.

I’m not surprised to see illiteracy like this from the “I didn’t read ‘PvP’ at server selection” crowd.

Nothing has been done yet

Dude is pissing his pants in public all over this thread after getting the biggest handout in the history of the game to fix a self-made problem, and telling you to calm down xd

incursion pvp was a Blizzard created issue, not a player created issue.

If they actually wanted to fix the problem of incursion pvp, they should have made them with sanctioned ground instead of Destroying the horde population.

Are transfers open? Someone on my server’s discord mentioned they were open earlier today already but gave no details as to where they found the transfers, how it was done, etc. Not sure if this is a troll or if I just don’t know where to look.


from what im seeing Quenten… not yet… ive been checking all day for a transfer

This is a clear desperation move, but I hope that in all this experimentation you’ve realized that layered/sharded server architecture completely ruins any attempt at balance you make, so long as players can manually change which layer they’re on.

Layering simply breaks any Vanilla based game, and you guys need to drop it. It also breaks TBC and beyond, but there are changes in those games that pull you out of the world so much that you don’t notice it as much anyway.

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No evidence of free xfers being open.

Would love to get off LW ASAP tho

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How can you tell when a character transfer is available?

just have to keep trying, unless they announce servers being open in a blue post

Go to shop, it shows up there

Why not just put Warmode in

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As far as I’ve seen crusader strike is the only one open right now, and it’s only to lava lash.