Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

How is it a terrible idea?

I’m laughing reading this… Like how?

Not according to ironforge unless horde just don’t log.

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Layering does run counter to the goals of balanced PvP in some respects.

DMF was camped on two layers by Horde on Lone Wolf, I just did a hop and a skip and went to a third layer where they weren’t there and it was an ez gg. Then we just invited more and summoned more onto that layer and created a nice cozy little base there for Ally to get their DMF for this week.

Honestly, if layering is going to be here to stay, I’d rather Blizzard systemize it, put a UI on it. As it is, it feels very jank. It’s a core facet to engaging with any world content and it’s a hidden system.


Thank youuu!

any idea why i cant transfer from lonewolf to lava lash ? eu

how will we know when our pvp server is available to transfer off of?


Here you go warmode wanting players time to get off of the PVP servers.

Griefers did that

So basically teehee we know you wanna leave but maybeeeee you’ll get lucky and get to transfer like f youuuuu now after work I what have to keep trying to see if I get a transfer!! Woohoo

…and this is fine.
…but they can’t admit it can they?

…and so on

Some people are on pvp servers because of decisions taken by their group before SOD launched, and 3 phases later, the people who picked the server are long gone.

So yeah, that’s a win…

But would have been a bigger win 3 weeks earlier when people were trying to form 20 man raids.


Wild Growth is easily the best community of Wow I have participated in. Generally chill/relaxed vibes, but we have enough try hards that the economy for consumables/mats etc is very strong. I primarily play horde on WG but have found similar experiences on the alliance side. In actual historical practice (old ashenvale), horde was probably outnumbered 60/40, but being the “underdog” just made us horde grow closer/stronger.

It’s a fun/active server for both sides, with very, very, little griefing. A number of people even remain pvp flagged in STV in between events, and I’ve never once been corpse camped/seen others corpse camping on WG. WG isn’t perfect, but its easily my favorite server I’ve played on, even through multiple iterations/types of WoW over the years.


Thanks for the info! I’m hoping to go to WG when this all opens up! That being said, does anyone know if there’s any other “normal” servers outside the AU one? I know there’s a regular RP server, but I’m not really into the RP game and if WG is closed, I’m not sure where to transfer to get away from the griefers.

griefers in shambles


It’s the reason I and many others don’t play modern wow anymore. I can’t think of a worse system that they implemented to retail.

And I don’t think many people care that you are leaving. I know I don’t. Go for it lol.

More people play retail. Also most griefers were on 95% faction pops before SoD, World PvP is just not popular at all and its proven time and again


Then why do you care? Transfers are free now. Go to your pve server. Unless you’re worried pvp severs will still be the most populated, and make this statement look incorrect? Oh

Bro, why are you so mad. Settle down please.


I think world pvp is an amazing thing, but there’s just very little actual pvp these days. It’s all groups of 5 ganking a single person, or a max level ganking a lowbie. It’s fun when it’s a scrap, it’s not fun when it’s a constant slaughter. It’s more akin to a pve game that randomly has bombs dropping from the sky that can kill the player and avoiding those at all times when trying to accomplish anything.


I’m mad? Lol. Sure, I’m sayin y’all already got what you wanted, so go your free pve server and stop complaining about “griefers”. They must have really ruined your day if you can’t stop talking about them.

I ain’t mad, I’m happy that the number of cry posts like your ‘should’ be less now

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For your own health please settle down