Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

haha fair enough lol

Layering has completely removed any good you added through forced faction balance, as Iā€™m sure you know.


They literally addressed this in the post lol

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Lava Lash is about to get way worse.

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They literally addressed this in the post lol

Money talks. If enough people cancel subs because they did not get to transfer, Blizzard will retract that statement. Guaranteed!

Okay, complain then

The amount of peolple who didnt read the post in this thresd is crazy lmao.

Like I get that TL;DR is a thingā€¦ But if you cant be bothered to actually read the text, why would you ever make a post that just makes you look like a moron?

Anyways, so long as Blizzard does it correctly, this is a good idea. Might even get Crusader Strike down to a lean 1-3 layers just in time for Phase 4!

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Let us transfer from PvE to PvP

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Hope to see some of you soon on Penance - Horde. Its a cozy server and the hearth has been kept warm for your arrivalā€¦


Pvp servers will still be the most populated. Donā€™t worry about it. Maybe a few hundred people who ā€œaccidentallyā€ rolled on a pvp server will transfer. I doubt anyone will notice a difference

How will we know when transfers are open?

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin. We WANT them off the servers. And so what if a few hundred leave. That will hardly make a dent in the pvp population. Iā€™m not worried at all

This is a win for all players.

Let them go.

Pvp players: our servers will not die because some pve players decide to transfer. It would take thousands of players to even notice. We are fine. Let this one be.

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It still is. Tried it in DF, not worth it. WM should go away forever imo.

I would rather offer unlimited transfers to any player any day, than to play in WM again

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Probably one of the best things ever done for the game in general.

Literally one of the biggest Wā€™s blizzard ever had, but sure, you tried it lol

ty for creating a mega server, a 1 sided server, and a dead server.

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No lol, the horde mega server is lone wolf. Lol. Living flame horde tho, gone. This will most likely clear alliance off lone wolf. If youā€™re somehow on a massively alliance titled layer, just move to one of the many horde layers lol

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to be fairā€¦
anyone who enjoys shooting fish in a barrel and thinks it requires skill deserves an empty server.


Hahahahaha cant wait for people to post about wanting to come back!!!

This is a good change. They promised faction balance, then gave us layering. Layering made faction balance irrelevant. Iā€™d hope for that to be fixed.