Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

I can tell some of you didn’t read the blue text and only read headlines.


To be fair, warmode has been one of the worst implemented systems in WoW.
Maybe it has changed recently but release upto Dragonflight at least was atrocious, especially in regards to balance.
The only good thing was you could opt out of griefing by dominant factions, but that not only didn’t solve the problem but also gave them rewards for doing so.

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Why’s Wild Growth PvE US server locked from transfers? I have characters on the server, but can’t transfer my others. I just bought 3 server transfers and can’t use them.


That said, I kind of get it. My old pops rolled PvP because our friends and family circle rolled PvP, and he ended up quitting because he got ganked repeatedly since he leveled much slower than the rest of us and was leveling out in the world rather than in dungeons or in the big wave of incursion levelers. Something like a move to a PvE server might have been good for players like him - some people are just not cut out for PvP servers.

War Mode is actually a griefing simulator.

See, part of the fantasy of actual PvP servers is that sometimes you just want to do your own thing in peace, and the other guy wants to do his own thing in peace, and you have that moment of unease where you walk past the stranger on the road, neither of you quite sure of the intentions of the other, and then you get past without having to get entangled into a duel you don’t know you would have won and breath a sigh of relief. It does so much to create this atmosphere of a hostile world, and really makes you appreciate areas of safety or seeing green names instead of red.

You never have that on War Mode. If you want solitude, you can just turn war mode off. So anyone with war mode on is just looking to rustle jimmies. It completely lacks the soul of a PvP server.


The people on pvp servers that caused this problem specifically chose pvp so they could rustle jimmies and make others experiences worse. Like camping DMF for no reason at all especially when you’re already max rank.


Thank you for that, I was in the process of leveling again on a pve server, this is 2 weeks too late for me, but very appreciated.

Can’t wait to get away from the useless ganking.

On the other hand… it took us an eternity to find 20 man for ST, am I going to still have a raid group with that next week? Or will half my raiders xfer to another server? The timing is terrible.

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So you’ll just refuse to acknowledge layers+larger than originally intended server caps play no role in the issue. “LF inv off layer #”, why is stacking factions on a layer like that achievable to begin with? Your ill thought system + established player behaviour due to retail systems and seeking the path of least resistance are the problem. I know it’s hard to acknowledge stuff ups on blizz’s end, but my god you guys are hitting new lows week on week atm.


So I assume you’ll also be reverting all the changes made to incursions since the care bears who don’t like wpvp can now leave?

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A) this is about transfers from PvP Season of discovery servers to PVE,
b) These transfer options will be periodically available starting Tuesday and will open and close throughout the rest of this week.
c) Below is the list of restrictions for this service.
• Modern WoW
• WoW Classic
• Wrath of the Lich King Classic
The Character Transfer service allows you to move a character to another Classic Era realm only.
It is not possible to transfer a WoW Classic character:
• to another WoW account or account
• to Modern WoW or Wrath of the Lich King Classic
• to a Classic Hardcore realm
to or from a seasonal realm

so not sure why you bought the transfers?

Please consider making these available cross-region. I’ve rerolled from OCE to US and would love to get my main from Shadowstrike over to Wild Growth.

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I have a fair number of people in my guild who want to do this, but as a guild master I am concerned with this being limited windows, how do I assure everyone makes the transfer and people are not left behind? We struggle a bit to fill 20 for raids each week, and I am super concerned on loosing folks with this being small windows.

I want to tell the team to move over as soon as something opens, but just concern people wont get the memo quick enough and get left behind :frowning:


This will just make the PvP servers worse. What needs to be done is fixing the issues where open world choke points occur. The camping in Ashenvale is so toxic and borderline game play prevention it is maddening. The Mara portal room, toxic.

There are fixes you guys could do to alleviate the choke point areas from being so miserable that are not server transfers.

What will end up happening is we’re going to have a ton of Horde bail on Lone Wolf and it’s just going to be worse than ever in these choke point areas that you are funneling people to.


States PvP to PvE, You’d presume that would be from any PvP to PvE realm, so I’m sure you will get that chance. Guess you will need to keep your eyes peeled :slight_smile:

Potentially, there have certainly been previous free transfers offered (on retail) that didn’t allow that, but those were also more targeted at relieving specific high-pop realms to their low-pop, PvE counterparts.

what did you think a pvp realm was? this “griefing” is so tame compared to almost every other pvp mmo i played. all you lose is some ego and 3 minutes of run back.

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Was CS to Lava lash always a thing or is this the only option? xD

This is pretty decent motivation to play again.

What is raiding like for Horde on that server? Relatively good/good amount of people raiding? Think I’m heading that way either way

Because I can. :slight_smile:

The post specifically says that they will control transfers and prevent imbalance from happening.