Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Hopefully I could transfer my horde toon from Shadowstrike (AU) to wild growth(NA)

Heard all the good things about the server on both fraction

Only problems is that its pretty rare to join bloodmoon and ashenvale event as a horde

The fact that you only made one PVE normal server for Season of Discovery astounds me. You have 2 RP PVE servers which are both dying due to low population and then you have multiple PVP servers for US and there is non stop grieving going on for both servers. Additionally, the incursions which are a heavy part of the phase 3 to include Wild Offerings just promote grieving even further and the PVE ranking system. My guild would love to move off of Living Flame PVP server because we can’t farm or do anything without constantly being in combat with horde. Its just a constant farm and corpse camp. The game isn’t fun because anything of value is being camped. Forget farming winterfall firewater because there are constantly 5-10 horde there killing any alliance that show up to farm consumables. Even if you pay for a transfer you can’t move to wildgrowth because the population is so unbalanced. Im about to quit and my whole guild is slowly quitting because no one can play the game because we are constantly dying to horde. Create another PVE server normal for US and offer free transfers to it. Thats my suggestion to fix the problem. Don’t offer limited window limited time transfers to wildgrowth which is already full and unbalanced.


Some of us weren’t around for this limited time to transfer, and now guilds have transferred leaving some behind. This is a good way to get people to stop playing, and if Blizz can’t see this, that speaks volume to the lack of intelligence over there these days. Might want to open these back up before we lose interest altogether.


Isn’t this funny? They messed up pvp so bad in SoD that they’re just gonna let people transfer out for free LOL. I guess they realize there is no hope of balancing this mess. GG Blizz

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I mean there is 4 PVE servers vs 9 PVP servers and 3 of the 4 PVE servers are dying and all 4 PVE servers are alliance heavy so even if you pay you can’t move to any of them. This is a total mis-management and a nightmare. Honestly I think I am done and many other people are done as well. Log on to just die to horde all day and log off frustrated? I play to have fun and relax and currently this phase WoW SoD is doing the exact opposite. My guild is dying and I am wanting to log on pretty much not at all. Thanks blizzard.

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Got anymore of them free transfers? Half my guild is gone as of this weekend and running from ashenvale to felwood took 45 mins because of all the horde groups just standing around camping people. Let me off


Hope you devs had a good weekend. Would really love to see a few more transfer windows this week. Cheers.

Hey all, If any of you fine people are looking to come over to Penance OCE server Horde side our guild is looking for players.

We are Currently running 2 raid teams a reset, one at 6pm ST Wed/Sun and another 7:30 ST Sun/Mon. Feel free to hit me up in game if you want to know more


Hey guys, if you’re Horde and looking to move, come to Lava Lash US! We need you!

This pvp in the incursion is garbage horde and alliance. Progress just gets blocked for both. Rip have fun with SOD guys

So how does this work then?

Free Character Transfer is up in the shop but when I put my character in it asks me to type in a server name, and when I do the Continue button just stays grey and won’t do anything. :confused:

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prolly got to wait till blizz announce opening of character transfer. i am still waiting on my horde toon in shadowstrike server

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no transfers till the devs evaluate population settling in today, when they get in, they have to open transfers for us to be able to move, i would keep an eye on this thread for an announcement and jump on trying to move asap when they post transfers are open, no one can say when that will be today, if they open again today. blizzard is really sticking it to us this time, no joke so just have to be diligent watching this thread for moves opening up. they also apparently arent aware of people having work schedules and since they have to monitor populations while they move us they don’t leave transfers open for long periods. its literally, you have to jump when they open. I’m annoyed with it too and everyone can attest that they havent been very transparent. friday people waited all day and they never opened transfers all day. its very rude. they could have let us know thursday they werent opening transfers all day friday or over the weekend. but they didnt till right b4 end of day friday.
best luck to everyone trying to move its monday, lets see what the clown parade has for us today.


Another open transfer window this week?

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What’s wrong with lone wolf?

Weekend is over. Lets see if Blizz does the right thing and finishes allowing transfers. Otherwise a lot of people i know are done with WoW.


if friday was any indication of when we can expect to hear from them it’ll likely be their end of workday and ghost us till then, but since we cant really plan we have to sit and refresh the forum all day long again since they are so incredibly bad at communicating. everyone keep yer eyes peeled


Another day refreshing these god forsaken threads and twitter… I wonder how many subs were lost over the weekend


I’m hoping enough to send a message. I made sure to write in the description that this was the reason for my cancellation.


i’m ready to anxiously refresh this page for 9 hours again. in the hopes that i can continue to play with my one friend that didn’t make the last transfer window