Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

are there any specific time slot where blizz open the free transfer options or you have to keep login in to check? thx

could we get char transfers every 6 months?? i mean the sub is ALOT of money

REALLY??? So the Classic team just ruined tons of peopleā€™s communities all for the sake of ā€œfaction balanceā€ so that some degenerate rogue named Stabudeadx can have enough of the opposite faction to camp endlessly. Great job dev team. Brilliant way to drive people away from SoD.

Blizzard has earned a new title. Blizzard is now Blizzard, Ruiner of Lives and Dreamsā€¦
title has received an upgrade Blizzard is now Blizzard, The Source of Grown Menā€™s Tearsā€¦
title has upgraded again Blizzard is now Blizzard, of the No Sh:ts Givenā€¦
Title has upgraded again Blizzard is now Blizzard, Champion of the Quarterly Shareholders Meetingā€¦

Blizzard doing their best to make Battlestate Games look like a good company

Devs just dont want to work on the weekend lol

Appreciate the communication though, at least he let us know so we donā€™t have to sit here all day refreshing

probably more that overtime wasnā€™t approved. everything they learn from us as guineapigs is benefit for them. the only reason not to work the weekend for something this big is not having approved overtime. and as far as letting us know, people had been saying all day that they were waiting for it to open back up. when they closed thurs they could have very easily just let people know they were closing for the weekend no transfers fridayā€¦ but they didnt so people waited all day friday for it to open up and they let us know as an after thought that transfers would not open again till monday at the earliest.

Lol Priest lost guild on Lone Wolf. My guess the server will be be going down the drain soon.

On the bright side p4 will be it for my wow experience. Not enough people working on the game to play it anymore. you cant automate/Ai everything. On top of that the community somehow gets worse every year.


This is about the stupidest approach I have seen in SoD yet. Like forget the nightmare incursionsā€¦ This has cause multiple guilds to collapse by splitting them in half and then punish those who canā€™t manage to do so because they are stuck working during the week.

Why on earth would this seem to be a good idea?! Reward those who spend every waking moment on the game, and punish those who have time constraints, who are the ones hurting the worst from the mess of a world PvP that has been nurtured through all of this?

Either open the free transfers, period, or do something about PvP at dungeon/raid entrances, in neutral towns/cities, and quest giversā€¦ I donā€™t understand how this concept is confusing or difficult. You managed to do that with the incursions pretty quickly alreadyā€¦


Trying to have a balanced opinion on this, because Iā€™m angry Lone Wolf is hemorrhaging players, but I also want to give constructive feedback. The hemorrhaging is reflected in the AH, as well as anecdotally because Iā€™m struggling to find groups for anything now.

Iā€™m finding it very difficult to have a balanced opinion on this, because now I want OFF of this server, which likely means there are tons of other people that want off for the same reasons I do. I enjoy PVP servers. And I liked this PVP servers community before PVP was a 1-shot fiesta. I didnā€™t like constant griefing, which was so easy to achieve because it was like 2-3 buttons you had to press to delete someone, whoever shot first won. (1 button if they were below level 50)

The floodgates have been opened on Lone Wolf NA, and Iā€™m afraid Blizzard will find it very difficult to recover the situation. At this point at least allow me to pay you to transfer me off this dying server. I donā€™t think thatā€™s an exaggeration, Iā€™ve seen Blizzard do this to several servers now throughout classic. This is the beginning of the server dying. It will be fine for another month or so, but the numbers will not come back. It will continue to get harder and harder to find groups. Less and less people will play, the AH will have less and less activityā€¦ Itā€™s going to cascade through everything and people will want off or just quit. My prediction is low pop before P4.

TLDR: let me pay you money to transfer off Lone Wolf NA. Iā€™ve seen Blizzard kill servers before, and this is exactly how it starts.


This is absolutely the dumbest way to do things. You create server transfer so you can get better data on realms, this micromanaging is not helping players play with their friends or together with others. Season of dads, by the way, all dads will have to look at the forums every few minutes to see if they can transfer. Smh

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Imagines a dad telling his wife sorry i gotta watch the forum, iā€™ll get to the honey do list later ā€¦ stand by for the divorce papers.


Can you at least open up paid transfers? I just wanna play wit the one person who I play with


agree phase 1 was alright but nothing beats the 2004/05 wow days where a GM communicate with you via in game, nowadays everything is bot

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The fact of the matter is that SOD content is not viable in a PvP server environment. Itā€™s too much of a sardine can and the 10:1 ratioed layering is the only variable that matters to who is farming and who is getting farmed.

They cannot relaunch PVP servers with content like this until they address this layering problem. If they canā€™t address the layering problem, the best solution is to do something like a war mode. Which is unfortunate but the only option.


War mode makes the most sense, IMO. PVP realms on SoD are absolute aids.

Reading the comments, I am surprised that some people actually like Lone Wolf. I tried it and it was a very toxic community. Never experienced so many ninja looters or griefers in my life. And pretty much everyone Iā€™ve talked to that has tried LW has said something similar and would blame it on the server name, implying that ā€œLone Wolvesā€ wanna play on that server.


I wonder how many of the people complaining are from the ā€œpvp happened on a pvp serverā€ side? What it boils down to is this was not pvp that was happening. It was legit griefing from top to bottom.

I could go in depth but it really doesnā€™t matter. We have the most toxic community that Iā€™m aware of and itā€™s biting people in the butt. Hope all my ā€œpvp happened on a pvp serverā€ enjoy their dead pvp server. Been having a blast on Wild Growth, really loving this game!

I wanted to play horde on it because I already had alliance on crusader strike and while horde on crusader strike are really toxic they are also the dominant faction so looking at numbers I figured oh hordes dominant on LWā€¦nope alliance is same exact boat both servers lmao.

Lone Wolf is already dying on alliance side, I didnā€™t want to transfer but itā€™s looking like itā€™s the best move at this point, yet itā€™s currently impossible to transfer. Figure it out

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I did want to transfer but canā€™t. Feels bad. They said ā€œmaybe mondayā€ when I asked on twitter.

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