Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

You could have done one more since a bunch of us are waiting around for it, then announced the waiting and see to monday but nah, gotta really give it to us.


Open transfers again or lose customers.


I guess you can refund my sub then for your garbage company. Only reason i subbed was to transfer off


When yā€™all said transfer windows would appear ā€œthroughout the weekā€, I assumed that meant more days than just Tuesday-Thursday. Wow. Iā€™m very disappointed on behalf of my guildmates who werenā€™t able to make it due to scheduling.


Hope you include in the calculations the fact that players are likely unsubbing from this colossal mess. One of the poorest executions iā€™ve witnessed from Blizz. Absolute :clown_face:


Wtf guys. You make no announcement for most of us to see, so many of us that desperately want off these toxic pvp servers are stuck?


Wish this was announced sooner than hopelessly waiting.

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Yeah, I give up. I already refunded my membership. Oh well.

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Being stranded from your friend group is worse than being stuck on a pvp server. Worse by orders of magnitude.
Let us transfer or youā€™re going to bleed subs, either way itā€™s going to negatively impact the precious 50/50 split.
Treat everyone fairly and give them the opportunity to transfer, or youā€™re going to see how big of a mistake is was dangling this particular carrot.

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lets be honest blizzard uses players tears to make their dirty martinisā€¦ thereā€™s enough tears to yield enough saltā€¦ they only care that thereā€™s enough money to buy that drink and sip on our tears

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Incredibly disappointing.

So now Iā€™m on a different server than the one person I play with now? Guess there isnā€™t a point to keep goin. That sucks a lot

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Thank god they opened up transfers this week. Finally I can get away from the Ratchet flight point camping. Oh wait, they only opened them up a handful of times so you canā€™t actually transfer if you play with friends. Well done.

Will there be a pvp to pvp realm transfer i only ask because all Us/Na realms were full when the game first started so i chose a realm that was open and it happens to be an Au server. The biggest issue i face aside from minor lag here and there is the time zone difference barely anything is happening when i get to play because its 6am for them when its the afternoon for me. Can I get a transfer iā€™d pay for it 100%.

10iq play by the devā€™s once again. hell yeah brother keep it up. love my 800 to 1 ratio pvp server. Oh and thanks for the 50% DR everyone gets in Wpvp so i canā€™t even 1v2 without 20 people eventually joining in.

LET ME OFF OF LIVING FLAME US. All of my friends caught the window from LF US to Wild Growth US, but i missed it. So now iā€™m stuck here because i donā€™t have a crystal ball that lets me know when you decide to open up transfers again. CAN YOU PLEASE announce a window of time in advance so that i can be on to do this?


PvP makes the game have another amazing experience in the world. I couldnā€™t imagine wanting to put in all that work in your server and making friends to move to a dead pve serverā€¦ good luckā€¦

LOL amazing experience?

Yeah, I just love waiting on rezz timers, getting corpse camped repeatedly, having to wait hours to turn in wild offerings because the NPC is being camped/guarded by the opposing faction. Or trying to do Mara runs. Or getting ganked by exploiting druids sitting on arena in gadget blasting you as soon as you come through the gate. Reported those mfers so many times and blizz does nothing, even though itā€™s clearly an exploit. Or better yet, trying to do incursions on a pvp server. Shizz is total aids. PVP servers were fun during vanilla but theyā€™re cheeks in SoD.


Just login and trying to transfer my toon from ShadowStrike (AU) horde and there are no options to choose the server I want. I assume from the blue post that the transfer has shut for the time being. Can I transfer my toon from Shadowstrike (AU) to wildgrowth?

When is the transfer option going to be opened again?
Considering the button itself is still there I assume it is going to be opened up again during the week.
Right now my entire guild has already transferred over to Wild Growth, and because I could only log in six hours later I missed that window.