Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

This has to be one of the most insane ways to handle this. No one gives a crap about balance as much as you guys do it seems. Guilds, and players, have no clue if they can stick together or even when the “times up” transfers will stop. Listen to your community or you’re going to end up with stupid balanced but empty servers.


Agreed. The only way to get a transfer is to be terminally online and follow the message boards, Twitter, Discord and Reddit to figure out when the transfers will be open. I wanted to transfer but there is absolutely no way for anyone to coordinate this with other people. If my guild had voted to move off server, we would have been totally screwed.

Yeah I’m unfortunately going through that issue now where partially my guild is moved.

and you actually trust the inept devs to follow through and make good on it? They can’t get the simple things right, why would they not fumble this too?

this could make soo many people quit the game


Give us some prior notice, then open transfers back up. Let people go where they want to go, and let them go with their friends. Leave the window open for long enough to get whole groups through. THEN worry about your half baked 50/50 pvp server balance that’s already made pointless through layers not being balanced for factions. The level of anxiety introduced by these surprise 2hr windows and the consequences of missing them and being left behind, this is unacceptable behavior from the devs.


three of us went to transfer last night and one of us didn’t make it. the transfers closed right when he got on to do it. we’ve been anxiously refreshing this page all day to try and make sure he makes it into the next window, but if he ends up not making it to the new server he will for sure quit.

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Many such cases, myself included. From my point of view, these devs don’t care.
They would fix this if they did. Instead, we get to waste more days of our sub and our lives refreshing this thread and trying the store page over and over.


You will soon get Classic 2.0, where they will care after we beta tested all this. New cash shop/token etc courteous of microsoft

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please god never ever say the words “cash shop” they dont need more encouragement … bunch of money grubbers

I did feel dirty typing it out. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. We’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.

same i need a bath now, but i’m afraid to go they might open transfers and close them b4 i get back

do it now plz open them now

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the chat has been waiting all day, rude

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so because of my job i no longer get to play wow with my friends who were able to transfer? can i get a refund for my sub all these days im not going to play?


And with that note I am done. Thanks for ruining SoD for me


I’m sure they will open back up, as long as everything stays relatively close balance wise I don’t mind staying on pvp server I just dont know how we are actually getting numbers of actually active players because they don’t really FEEL balanced. If they aren’t and I miss it I guess its not a big deal cata is out in a month.

worst decision ever, if he read the chat he’d know the whole community is upset

the pvpers want the pve’ers to go, the pve’ers want to reunite with people who got LUCKY enough to move in a window, literally, NO ONE is happy right now except a few people who got to transfer.

and we get … so yea “we’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on monday.”

yea that translates to … they didnt approve overtime for us to manually watch over transfers and population rates so no more transfers till monday folks. too bad we laid off so many people a few months ago. money is best in an executive’s pockets anyways.

ps we could have automated this feature but someone brought in snacks and we didnt get to it, the gossip was rly heated this week too i mean am i right … we watched yall get super mad and stuff and waited to see things explode friday night, we posted this half an hour b4 we ditched for the day just to watch things go nuclear in the forum posts.


Are they going to open them up again soon? My buddy was able to get his transfer in but I wasn’t so now we can’t play together lol This sucks