Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Am thinking of Wild Growth as a server.
Can you get raid times at decent hours for Aussies there?

I would assume so, most busy servers have people running at all times. I’m usually a night owl myself and raid super late.

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Im sure its been said multiple times, but how can you have such sporatic windows and expect guilds to stay together?
You already killed our guild once when we moved to Crusader Strike from Chaos Bolt becuase of the botched roll out.
Now you let us get off this Alliance greifing server, but only sporadically and in windows and with no garuntee everyone can make the move, potentially splitting a guild once again…like seriously? Wtf…


This is very unfortunate. I hope these transfer windows continue. Our guild is now split because some people haven’t been able to make a transfer window yet and it is creating a lot of anxiety.


Interesting information:

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They have said they did not open these transfers for entire guilds to move

https:// x. com /FwoiblesWoW/status/1782620922588868848

“Honestly, this is not meant for guilds to move.”

“It’s meant for individuals who have grown to regret their choice, not so that an organized guild of 500 people can move together. Because we have to thread the needle here with how many transfers we allow so as to not ruin the source realm we can’t just leave these transfers running. This pretty much guarantees guilds would have a bad time trying to move together. Hope that is clearer.”

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I realized too late windows were being announced on the forums. Saw this news originally reposted from WoWhead and don’t frequent the forums often, so I was just at Char Select hope to get lucky and refreshing the shop (haha)

Now “watching” this post and will be ready to jump on the next window. 3/5 of our 5-man has moved :+1: time to get the rest of us.

Super interesting insights about how close the factions actually are. It can definitely feel slanted layer by layer but pretty wild it’s as close as it is.

Always a thing. I transferred all my chars from CS to LL a few weeks ago. Life is 1000x better.

Yep, I never minded much. Know what you’re signing for up type of deal. It only felt intentionally griefy at Incursions, but the addition of guards solved that-- and it made sense for guards to be supporting the incursion effort.

I’m looking forward to the PVP videos of Blackrock Mountain that will inevitably come.

What time are you opening it for Lone Wolf alliance today? I desperately want my warlock off that toxic server.

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fyi you can’t even do a paid transfer off of crusader strike. this sucks lol


This is literally already how Layering works, but even worse because it happens mid-combat, even during PvP in Bloodmoon lol

in all honesty if they wanted to control exiting servers they should have made a system for transferring instead of manually throttling it.

on the destination server start a que to enter for both factions to keep entrance 1 for 1 dependent on order people are looking to leave other servers.

on exiting server also create a que to stop exits once they reach certain thresholds ie if imbalance with this transfer exceeds x% imbalance halt transfers from this server/faction but allow transfers from other servers to continue.

the whole thing could be automated if they took the time to consider the problem long enough to come up with a viable solution. in this manner it is more a matter of how long till you get to transfer rather than a will i even catch the window, if the draw back is not being able to play that toon so beit. if a player is logged in give them an alert saying log off now for your character to transfer or the next available person will get your transfer.

First follow the time a request is made, next check conditions, if conditions are met you transfer if not, the next in que is checked for viability and you move into the servers as a matched pairs and moving is paused off servers where imbalance will be made if a transfer is allowed to continue. then check the next person in line. after each move the checks and moves continue in a loop. its fairly straightforward.

is there a horde and an alliance y/n
if y, will the horde or alliance moving cause an imbalance y/n
if y check both
if y and alliance check next alliance against server imbalance till conditions are met to move
else if y and horde check next horde against server imbalance till conditions are met to move
else n let the unflagged pair moved to this destination
if n allow the pair to transfer
continue the loop only if there is a pair and keep checking for a pair

you could also check for live players on a server, if live players on that server/faction is less than x allow all transfers off this server
this would more or less allow for sympathy moves for players that are literally on a dead server.
It would also allow for people who stayed on a server despite others refusing to play to escape b/c attempts to balance have failed. you can totally have a 50 50 split on a server horde and alliance but have an entire faction refusing to play their characters so the online populations are more like 99% one and 1% the other faction. Saw it happen on TBC Faerlina to alliance. they literally only had less than 1% live playing characters on alliance and only 1 active guild

Its similar, but not quite the same. With sharding, when you walk from Orgrimmar to Durotar, everyone vanishes. Layering works continent wide, instead of zone wide.
The midcombat layer balancing stuff is annoying though, agreed.

Is there any way to get notifications when this opens? I’d love to play my lock but refuse to play on lone wolf anymore.

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Take me with you! I’m gonna have to cancel my sub if I don’t get to transfer. My guild left.

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why the heck are these things opening at odd dang hours? give us some notice besides a post in this thread, ffs

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Because they don’t actually want people to transfer. A handful of people transferring won’t change dynamics of server balance, even though layering already destroys any semblance of balance.

If you’d like any detailed or timely information, please subscribe to the devs’ personal Twitter accounts :clown_face:

The way this is going blows my mind. Transfers being at only random unknown times has split our group. Its like if you dont want people to quit the game why would you bring in a plan to make it hard to stay with friends… its going to make us all quit if we cant play together lol ?
Thats a money losing idea wtf